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Friday, May 24, 2013

Who really is Obama? Listen to Edward Klein

The author Ed Klein has done a spectacular job of writing this book after his interviews with Obama's closest mentor Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and Jesse Jackson. His findings are that Obama is unsuitable to lead the nation and lacks executive leadership skills. Ed Klein reveals that Obama knew a lot about Islam but very little about Christianism. Rev. Wright educated Obama about Christ, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness that is far from Islam's preaching of killing infidels, killing for apostasy and intolerance to other faiths and teachings.

The author also portrays an unfriendly working relationship in the White House between Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel and Obama's associate Valerie Jarrett. The problem was due to inept Jarrett who was a liberal and an activist reformer. She pushed for comprehensive health care reform; Emanuel advised against it, pushing instead to focus on jobs. She also persuaded Obama to travel to Copenhagen to support the bid for the 2016 Summer Olympics instead of dealing with numerous domestic problems.

Reverend Jackson claims that Obama was a novice when he came for his help to learn the oratory skills he needed to win the senatorial bid from Illinois. The author says that Obama and his wife Michelle once had marital problems and they were seeking counseling from Jeremiah Wright.

Reference:  The Amateur by Edward Klein

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