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Thursday, May 23, 2013

A book for the spiritual seeker

The physical reality we see and experience in our lives is limited by our knowledge, which is built upon human experience, understanding of science, and our religious/non-religious upbringing. From the point of the author, even if he is well accomplished neurosurgeon with a highest education, may find it difficult to sell the idea of near death experience. The Christian fundamentalist or a puritan of scientific education or a rational thinker; they all are limited by their scientific or religious dogmas and remain closed to new thoughts and experience that challenges their traditional thinking. In this regard, the author has shown extraordinary courage in writing this book in spite of the fact that much of his peers in academics may laugh it off as irreverent experience and think that he must head-back to the loony bin. Readers open to learning near death experience and other non-explainable occurrences welcome Eben Alexander's courage to talk about his experiences.

For seven days the author laid in a deep coma and his body unresponsive, and higher-order brain functions were off. On the seventh day his eyes popped open. He has no scientific explanation for the fact that his mind, consciousness, and the inner self were functioning all along. He explains that the world where death is the end is not an end at all, but consciousness continue to survive.

The near death experience of the author puts him in a place of big puffy clouds, pink-white ones that showed up sharply against the deep blue-black sky. At vastly higher region; flocks of transparent, shimmering beings arced across the sky, leaving long, streamer like lines behind them. They were different from anything known on this planet. The author believes they were more advanced higher forms. The sky was filled with glorious chant, which was the joy of these creatures. The sound was palpable and almost material, like a rain that you can feel on your skin but doesn't get you wet. Seeing and hearing were not separate in this place. The author describes the visual beauty of the silvery bodies of those scintillating beings above, and he could see the surging, joyful perfection of what they sang. The message he got from his deep consciousness was; "You are loved and cherished, dearly, forever," "You have nothing to fear," and "There is nothing you can do wrong."

This new picture of later-reality described by the author will probably be understood much better as we make more progress in understanding how consciousness, the laws of quantum physics, and physical existence are interrelated. It won't be finished in a decade or a century; it may be longer when scholars will be looking at the experiences of Eben Alexander in newer light. Many quantum physicists believe that spacetime, matter/energy and consciousness are interconnected into one never ending continuity in a multiverse concept.

Much has been written on this topic from the Christian approach, but not with scientific, medical and spiritual approach. If you are a true seeker of supreme consciousness and the transcendental Ultimate Reality, this book entertains you tremendously.
Reference: Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife by Eben Alexander III

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