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Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Word of God according to the Vedas and Bible

The author is a well known Indian scholar who has written several books with an objective to create a national consciousness among Hindus in understanding the injustices done by Christian missionaries, Muslims and the successive Indian governments led by the congress party. Christian missionaries still exploit the ignorance, illiteracy and poverty of the people and convert them into Christianism by the dint of force and enticement. The basic motive of Christian missionaries in running schools and hospitals is proselytisation by creating congenial atmosphere for the conversion. It is not a selfless philanthropy.

Mahatma Gandhi once observed in his magazine "Harijan" as follows: "Only the other day, a missionary descended on a famine area with money in his pocket, distributed it among the famine-stricken, converted into his fold, took charge of their temple and demolished it. This is outrageous. The temple could not belong to the Christian missionary. But this friend goes and gets it demolished at the hands of very men who only a little while ago, believed that God was there" (Harijan (English Weekly), Poona, May 11, 1935). Referring to the activities of Christian missionaries in India, Swami Vivekananda said that "Every man going out of the Hindu pale is not only a man less but an enemy more" (The complete works of Swami Vivekananda, volume V, page 233). On a similar note, Charles Dickens said that "Missionaries are perfect nuisances and leave every place worse than they found it" (Sitaram Goel, History of Hindu-Christian Encounters, Voice of India, New Delhi, 1996, p. XIII.) Most Hindus who convert are unaware of the contents of the Bible. In this book the author makes a comparative analysis of the Vedas and Bible and demonstrates that Vedas have the message of coexistence, harmony and peace as stated in "The whole universe is one family" (Yajurveda 32:8)

A brief summary of the comparison is as follows: With regards to Vedic monotheism and Biblical doctrine of trinity, we observe, "He is the sole sovereign of the universe" (Rgveda 6:36:4). "He is One Brahma, The Creator of the cosmos, who pervades and protects, and enlightens all beings, He is One Supreme Entity, Whom sages call by various names......(Rgveda 1:64:46). How does this compare with verses found in John 5:7, and Matthew 28:19, where the doctrine of trinity described; the God the father, the God the son and God the Holy Ghost? Vedic culture is strictly monotheistic and the message of the New Testament is not monotheistic.

With regards to the preaching of peace and harmony we find; March together, speak together; Let your minds be united; Like sages of yore, being of one mind; Accept your share of fortune(Rgveda 10:191:2). Another verse in Rgveda says this: "May you resolve; with one accord; May your hearts be in unison; May your thoughts be harmonious; So that you may live together; With Happiness and hilarity (Rgveda 10:191:4). This does not compare well with Matthew 10:34 and 10:35. "Think not that I come to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword. (Matt 10:34)

The messages found in Exodus 12:29; Numbers 21:6; Numbers 16:32-33, 35; Leviticus 26:22; 1 Chronicles 21:14 and 1 Samuel 6:19 demonstrate that God is wrathful and sends death and extreme harm if he dislikes someone. This is illustrated in; "And the Lord sent fiery serpents among the people, and they bit the people; and much people of Israel died (Numbers 21:6). In another instance; "And there came out a fire from the Lord, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense" (Numbers 16:35.) Contrary to this Biblical message, we find the message of Rgveda in God is merciful. "Providence showers mercy; on the most heinous sinners even; May we be sinless; before merciful God!" (Rgveda 7:87:7). In another verse; "Oh loving Lord! It is thy divine grace and glory; Grandeur and truthfulness; that thou bestow; Thy bliss and benediction; on thy devotees" (Rgveda 1:1:6).

Bible prescribes death penalty for certain errors. See Leviticus 24:16; 20:18; 20:10 Numbers 1:51; Exodus 31:14; 21:17; 35:2; Deuteronomy 21:18-21; 20:18; 22:20-21. Vedas prescribe reformation as in Rgveda 10:137:1. Bible denigrates women, examples include; Genesis 3:16; 1 Corinthians 11:8-9; 11:3-6; 14:34; 1 Timothy 2:11-14; Ephesians 5:24; Colossians 3:18; Numbers 5:20-22, 27; and Deuteronomy, 24:1-4. Vedas elevate women, examples are Rgveda 10:159:2 and Atharvaveda 14:2:75. The author also compares Vedas with Bible regarding other factors such as; punishment for non-believers in Bible and love for all in Vedas; Bible preaching intolerance, Vedas preaching fraternity; human sacrifice in Bible and non-violence in Vedas; preaching of witchcraft in Bible and following divine path in Vedas, etc. The author not only compares the verses in the two holy books but also includes the commentary of well know philosophers and reformers on these verses. This is very well written book with numerous references in the literature: Highly recommended. I have one last comment about the diagram on the cover of the book; there should have been one book representing the Vedas (instead of four) on the balance; that would imply that the Vedas outweigh Bible in the quality of message.
Reference: Holy Vedas and holy Bible: A comparative study by Kanaiyalalu Manghandasu Talrej

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