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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

What is Obama's dream?

American voters have two choices in the 2012 presidential election; realizing the American dream as dreamed by the founding fathers or the Obama's dream, which is a world in which countries share wealth and power, and unmake United States as a global leader. The author analyzes Obama's foreign and domestic policies to support his theory that Obama is weakening American presence in global affairs. Case in point is that he pushed for elections in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood emerged as victorious, which is not in the best interest of United Sates or Israel, since this group is a known supporter of Islamic terrorism. We have given Egypt an average of $2 billion annually and we help elect an anti-American leadership. He has done very little to contain Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Internationally, he's been scaling back America's influence in almost everything; politically, economically and militarily.

Domestically, he has expanded the power of the state through increased legislation and excessive regulation of the securities industry. In a speech delivered in Virginia, Obama said that those who own businesses "didn't build that" suggesting an "anti-colonialist" philosophy. This essentially means that the society creates wealth and greedy entrepreneurs swoop in and gain the benefits. The author points out that Obama cares little for poor Americans. Since he has taken action to block domestic energy initiatives such as the Keystone Pipeline, but he has supported similar efforts in Latin America. A strong domestic energy initiative would have created thousands of jobs for the middle class Americans. The author has presented very powerful arguments to support his theory, and in an election year this book sheds light on who Obama really is.

Reference: Obama's America: Unmaking the American Dream by Dinesh D'Souza

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