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Monday, May 20, 2013

An excellent book on Islamic terrorism by a respected scholar

I have been reading the work of Robert Spencer for last several years and I must say he is one of the fearless scholars who write honestly about Islam and the threat it poses to Western civilization. The population of Islamists is growing in the Western world, and the threat of Islamic terrorism is here and very real.

This is very well researched book by a highly respected conservative scholar. Robert Spencer discusses the facts about Islam that most scholars shy away for the fear of being politically incorrect. This book covers plenty of ground with a study of Muhammad, his early life, the making of the Qur'an, the spread of Islam, and Islam's early wars, culminating in the Crusades. Islam has been presented by a few politically correct scholars as "a religion of peace" mainly to please Islamic population in Western countries. The truth is that it is anything but a peaceful religion. The intolerance to other cultures and other faiths are clearly expressed in Islamic literature, when forgiveness is the principal concept of Christianism

The author provides an exposé of Islam that "won't be taught in school" or "heard on the evening news." He describes the religion vividly and draws our attention to the goal of Islamists; that is to globalize Islam by causing fear and using force. The view that Islam is a religion of peace has been hijacked by a very small minority of liberals and apologists. The author quotes great many number of historical figures critical of Islam, including John Quincy Adams, Winston Churchill and many others. Using facts like the Danish cartoon episode, and the Pope Benedict's speech with quotes calling Muhammad's teachings "evil" and "spread by the sword," the aftermath of Islamic rampage witnessed across the globe, the author cleverly discusses the facts of Islamic culture in chapters like; "Muhammad: Prophet of War" and "Islam--Spread by the Sword?

At the end of the book Robert Spencer warns that if West does not act in a timely manner, it will be too late to win against Islam. Jihad has already been declared against the Western society. The war on terror can be won if the Western allies in the Muslim world receive support, and these moderates can create an environment in Islamic countries where the ideology of hate is replaced with respect for other faiths and coexistence in peace and harmony.

I believe that this book must be made mandatory for all freshman entering the colleges and universities to learn the truth about Islam.

1. Robert Spencer, the Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)

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