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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Crucified again by Islamists

This is a well researched book and very timely as the persecution of Christians in the Islamic world is proceeding at an alarming rate. The author says that the attacks on Christian churches in the Muslim world are perhaps the most visible expression of Christian persecution under Islam. Muslim mobs attack them and jihadists massacre them. The suffering has been ongoing for centuries but it has intensified in the wake of the so-called "Arab Spring" and Obama's support has accelerated the problem. In every single Islamic country that Obama has helped rebels and opposition forces to topple the ruling secular regimes has made it worse for Christian population. In Libya under Gaddafi, the Christian minority was free to practice their faith, but in the current socio-political system where the al-Qaeda linked jihadists are destroying churches and kept then in constant fear. The same story in Iraq, the year following the ousting of Saddam Hussein, jihadists went on a church bombing spree, destroying countless churches and killing many Christians who, under Saddam, were relatively well tolerated. The indigenous Christian population has been decimated now. Missionaries are not welcome and Bible distribution is not tolerated. Islamic bullying is repeated in Syria, which was secular under Assad but the so called "freedom-fighters" supported by Obama are targeting Christians for killing, displacement, and hostage taking for ransoms. The atrocities being committed are barbaric. The life for Christians in countries like, Yemen, Sudan, Morocco, and Tunisia have also gone bad since the Arab Spring. The rise of Islam as a political force has provided a great impetus for the enforcement of Sharia and apostasy laws. Conversion to Christianity is not only a scary experience but also long incarceration or certain death.

The author points out that the collective punishment of Christians and religious minorities who "refuse to know their place in the Islamic order" has doctrinal backing. Islamic countries lecture Western countries about religious tolerance and proper treatment Muslims in the West, and even lobbying for a global blasphemy law at the United Nations, but they do nothing about blasphemy of Christianity in their own countries.

The author concludes that the future of Christianity across the Middle East, Africa and parts of Asia is very grim and perhaps lead to the extinction if nothing is done. He reminds us that Islam burst out of Arabia during the 7th century when the Christian population was a major force, 1400 years of sporadic jihads, the decimation of Christians seems to be certain and this is causing the Middle East to be purely Islamic.
by Raymond Ibrahim



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