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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Ann Coulter is brave and truthful

This is an excellent book that takes a long trip down the memory-lane examining and evaluating the critical events in the American history of race. The author provides hard facts and her analysis to show that the history of civil rights consists of Republicans battling Democrats to guarantee the constitutional rights of black Americans. She dismisses the notion that Democrats are the champions of civil rights, as she reminds us that all opposition to the Republican-sponsored civil rights acts of 1957 and 1960 came from Democrats. Republican support for the landmark laws of 1964 and 1965 was essential to their passage. She continues that the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution were supported by Republicans and represents the critical part of the American history that gave recognition to the fundamental rights of black Americans. The facts show that the policy of slavery was defended by Democrats until they found out that it is not politically profitable. The author recalls, whenever the Democrats are in political hard-spots, they blame Republicans of 'racism.' In the recent past, Democrats are presenting themselves as heroes of civil rights movement. Obama has used racial divisiveness to serve his political ends, and in his 2008 presidential campaign, he revived the white guilt that had long since dissipated, and then hinted that the one path to racial reconciliation was to make him the president of this nation. During the George W. Bush presidency, dissent was patriotic, but under Democrats, it is equated to racism. The author concludes, "This isn't a story about black people -- it's a story about the left's agenda to patronize blacks and lie to everyone else." Ann Coulter punches hard when she talks about facts truthfully.

Reference: Mugged: Racial Demagoguery from the Seventies to Obama by Ann Coulter

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