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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Lost Teachings of Jesus: The Hindu and Buddhist teachings in the gospel of Jesus Christ

This is an interesting book that evaluates the internal evidence from New Testament, and the historical documents found at Himis Buddhist monastery in Tibet. One of the striking features is that not much has been recoded about Jesus famous sermons in gospels or any other parts of New Testament. In addition, Jesus was unlettered and he wrote almost nothing. The gospels and other apocryphal documents state that he taught for several hours, but they do not describe what he taught. For example, at the feeding of the five thousand people; his followers must have been listening to Jesus long enough to get hungry, but no account of his sermon is given. Frequently he is said to have preached well into sundown (Mark 6:35). The Three gospels (synoptic gospels) report that Jesus "sat at meet" with many publicans and sinners for the purpose of calling them to repentance (Matthew 9:10, 13; Mark 2:15, 17; Luke 5:29, 32), but silent about his sermon. John 7.14 tells us that Jesus travelled to Jerusalem for the Feast of Tabernacle, a seven day event and "about the midst of the feast" he went up to the temple and taught, but there are very few words about what he said. The Sermon of the Mount has very little details about his teachings. The second mystery of New Testament is that there is a gap of about 18 years, from the age of 12 to 30; gospels are wordless about what Jesus was doing during these years. Luke moves quickly from his birth, circumcision, and presentation at the temple at the age of 12 in Jerusalem and then goes to his baptism by John the Baptist at the age of 30. Matthew narrates the holy family's flight into Egypt, following the visitation of the magi, and their return after the death of Herod.

The oldest Bible in the world is Codex Sinaiticus written in Greek dated around 340 A.D. It was found in the Greek Orthodox monastery of St. Catherine of Alexandria at the foot of Mount Sinai. This manuscript is far different from the modern day King James Version suggesting extensive editing of New Testament for doctrinal reasons. Many earlier writings about Jesus were destroyed by the order of the church. Tradition has handed down a list of 26 apocryphal gospels, 7 Acts and 10 epistles, which were used during the early days of Christianity. Some scholars have suggested that the theory of reincarnation is a later addition made by the Apostles. The concepts of reincarnation and son of God are extensively found in Vedic lore since the period of Rig-Veda of Hinduism.

The influence of Hinduism and Buddhism may also be found in the following: Sermon on the Mount is one of the classic examples for preaching the word of God and Jesus having full knowledge of how Buddha gave his first sermon in the Park of Gazelles in Benares, after fasting, and meditating for 42 days under a fig tree. Jesus like Buddha underwent mystical test and meditation in the wilderness for 40 days to seek the spiritual power. In Hinduism, especially during Vedic times, great rishis and sages went to the deep forest for meditation and self purification of the body, mind and soul. When they emerged from this long and arduous journey into the inner consciousness, they would attain spiritual and healing powers. Buddha sought enlightenment after fasting and meditating under a Fig tree for 42 days. In one episode, Jesus goes to a high mountain with Peter and his followers. After meditation, he transfigured before their very eyes and his face shine as the Sun (Mark 9:2, 30; Luke 9:30 and Matthew 17; 3-6.). Timothy believed Jesus was God (Timothy 3:16). This is similar to the description of Vishwa rupa in chapter 11 of Bhagavad-Gita where Lord Krishna appears to Arjuna in the Universal form shining like million suns.

The flow of Buddhist thought occurred at three main levels, the Buddhist missionaries carrying the message of Buddha into Egypt, Syria and Palestine are well documented in the history, especially during and after Emperor Asoka. Strong trade relationship help bring the Vedic and Upanishadic culture into the Middle East, and finally Jesus' life in India brought him closer to the wisdom of Buddha and the teachings of Upanishads. The story of Jesus in Sermon on the Mount episode directly calls to mind an inner relationship with Buddha's teachings. Both Buddha and Jesus warn their followers about false prophets. The parallels between Buddhist thought and certain New Testament stories; Jesus' parables and his sayings are not new. For example, Buddha said "whosoever sees dharma, see me." Christ in the Gospel according to John says; "He that seeth me, seeth Him that sent me" (John 12:45). The dharma is the greatest cosmic law underlying the world, corresponding to the concept of the Word, the Logos, in the Gospel which begins by declaring, "The Word was God."

The Lost Teachings of Jesus: Missing Texts Karma and Reincarnation by Elizabeth Clare Prophet

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