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Friday, May 24, 2013

The destroyer of American dream

In the next month presidential elections, you have two choices, pursuing the American dream as envisioned by the founding fathers or the Obama's dream of a socialized society. The author has documented in about 12 chapters examining Obama's way of handling domestic energy production, regulating free enterprise system, healthcare, handling of Islamic terrorism and national security. In 2008 presidential campaign, he ran on a magic word in his campaign, "change" and what a change we have seen in his actions; from Obamacare to immigration to the economy to wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, free trade, and the deficit. Excessive use of regulation in curbing the free enterprise system has severely hurt the free market to adopt energy alternatives to oil, coal, and natural gas as they become economically advantageous. Obama's radical background implicates his contempt for American culture, its political and economic values.

The author cites another controversial decision to give $600 million to Palestinians annually. And $225 million is given directly to the Palestinian Authority in violation of U.S. law. Some of these funds are used to pay salaries to Palestinian terrorists in Israeli jails. Obama is weakening American presence in global affairs. Case in point is that he pushed for elections in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood emerged as victorious, which is not in the best interest of United Sates or Israel, since this group is a known supporter in Islamic terrorism. We have given Egypt an average of $2 billion annually and we help elect anti-American leadership. Internationally, he's been scaling back America's influence in almost everything; politically, economically and militarily.
Reference: The Great Destroyer: Barack Obama's War on the Republic by David Limbaugh

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