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Thursday, May 23, 2013

Obama's Dream

We are a step closer to the 2012 Presidential elections and the liberal media is relentless in finding negative things in Romney campaign and seeing only positive signs in the message of Obama. Conservative commentator Dinesh D'Souza is as fierce as ever in exposing the real Obama in his recent book "Obama's America." The American voters have two choices in the 2012 presidential election; realizing the American dream as envisioned by the founding fathers or the Obama's dream, which is a world in which countries share wealth and power, and unmake United States as a global leader. Obama has done plenty to alienate Israel to win the minds of Islamists in this country and Islamic nations around the globe. He has minimized the influence of Christian principle on which this country was founded. His foreign and domestic policies have weakened American influence in global affairs. He pushed for elections in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood emerged as victorious, which is not in the best interest of United Sates or Israel, since this group is a known supporter in Islamic terrorism. We have given Egypt an average of $2 billion annually and we help elect anti-American leadership. He has done very little to contain Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. Internationally, he's been scaling back America's influence in almost everything.

The movie exposes the real Obama by going into his grass roots to understand his political philosophy. Filmed on four continents, it features on-camera interviews with his destitute half-brother George Obama in Kenya, and Philip Ochieng, an associate of Barack Obama, Sr. The film is produced by real heavy weights like, Doug Sain, and Gerald Molen, who produced "Schindler's List," "Jurassic Park" and "Hook." This film has fired up Americans and it has grossed more than $33 million at the box office, and it is at the top of the DVD charts. The film is also the top-selling documentary of the year and fourth documentary of all time. It uses the best argument of all: Barack Obama's own words from his book "Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance."

Gerald Molen, the producer of this movie has stated that the current scandal involving the film's star and co-director, Dinesh D'Souza should not be used by movie critics to discredit the movie. They must watch the movie with open mind, and it may help you make up your mind about your choice in the 2012 presidential elections.

Reference: 2016 Obama's America DVD - Dinesh D'Souza

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