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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Essence of the Vedas: Recitation of Shanti Mantras by Pundit Jasraj sounds divine

The Vedic tradition rest on the belief that Rgveda is God's words. The rishis of ancient India, followed later by the Brahmins, exercised care and devotion to preserve the sacred scriptures in its original form through oral transmission. The Word of God were considered too sacred to be written down, fearing contamination and corruption in written texts, the Vedic ancestors communicated via preceptor-to-disciple, and from father-to- son (among Brahmins) from 1500 B.C. to about 1800 A.C., before British started putting them in textual form. The original Vedic text and its unique way of chanting include correct pronunciation of words (svaras), correct duration between spoken words (maatra), and correct intonation. The system of sacred chanting has dwindled fast over the last several centuries, except for a few members of Namboodiri families in the state of Kerala who have retained this age old tradition of Vedic mysticism.

The current versions of Vedic chanting in Hindu temples in India and elsewhere are "modernized" and give us an opportunity to listen and enjoy this 3500 year old tradition of Vedic India. The recitation of Vedic hymns by Pundit Jasraj is a flawless rendering with a depth that sounds divine. This audio CD has a total of 54 minutes of Vedic recitation of Shanti Mantras; I wished they included more Rgvedic hymns.

If you are interested in listening to ancient style of chanting of Samaveda I would recommend Fritz Staal's "Altar of Fire" (DVD) and `Agni - The Vedic Ritual of the Fire Altar' (book). The DVD summarizes the 12-day Agnicayana - The Vedic Ritual of Ancient India with the participation of 17 priests; libation of Soma juice and oblation of other material. This ritual is a system of a complex structure of space-time co-ordinates, systematic and methodical ritual practice and the order and style of recitation and spoken text. The verses of Samaveda are sung in specifically indicated melodies using the seven svaras (notes.)

Reference: Essence of the Vedas by Pundit Jasraj - CD

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