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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The hidden arrangements of self serving organizations

The Shadow Party is a network of private organizations that exercises a powerful hidden influence over the Democratic Party to promote its liberal and progressive ideals. It is not a political party per se, and it works outside of the normal electoral system, and its goals are not explicitly disclosed. These hidden arrangements; the decisions of George Soros and other major donors to fund various liberal organizations, and this Shadow Party was formed in November 2003, one year ahead of crucial 2004 Presidential elections.

The book cites many examples of illegal coordination between political campaigns and independent political committees. Hillary Clinton and her partner George Soros remain secretive about many details of their collaboration. A political partnership between them would be forbidden by the campaign finance laws of the McCain-Feingold Act. According to data on file with the Capital Research Center, the Foundation Center, and the Internal Revenue Service, Soros' Institute contributed nearly $19 million to the ACLU during the seven-year period spanning 1998 to 2004 (about $2.7 million/year). ACLU is notorious radical organization in defending the rights of Islamic terrorists, radical Islamic organizations in United States and many liberal institutions. Recently, the New York City jury acquitted alleged Al Qaeda accomplice Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani of all major terrorism charges in the 1998 bombings of U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania in the first trial of a former Guantanamo Bay prisoner in the civilian court. A war criminal that never set foot in United Sates was tried under U.S. criminal law. The Soros-linked Constitution Project already declared, "The system worked here." Did it? In all likelihood, the convicted terrorist may be released after 20 years. Canadian Conservative commentator Kathy Shaidle is threatened with a lawsuit by Soros' Canadian counsel for referencing and excerpting from an article in the Toronto Sun which claimed that George Soros, as a teenager in his native land of Hungary, "collaborated with the Nazis," she revised her post later but a left-wing organization supported by the George Soros- funded MoveOn.org, is taking frontline to suppress free speech. Tony Blankley, editor of The Washington Times and former aide to former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich once said of Soros: "He was a Jew who figured out a way to survive the Holocaust."

George Soros blames Israeli policies for the resurgence of anti-Semitism in Europe; his Open Society Institute (OSI) has published its Muslims in Europe report series that depicts Muslims living in Europe as victims of racism, discrimination, stereotypes, prejudice etc. Consistent with Soros' dislike for national sovereignty, the OSI report recommends changing the definitions of nationality to accommodate Islamic immigrants and extending voting rights to non-citizens. Even Glenn Beck has commented on the heavy handedness of George Soros. This self-hating Jew is using his wealth and influence to try and change the world to fit his lunatic fantasies.

Much of the work published in this book also appeared in May 2004 article in NewsMax Magazine, "George Soros' Coup" and later a lengthy three-part series published in October 2004 on FrontPageMag.com, under the title "The Shadow Party." Anyone who is interested in the conservative and traditional values would love this book.

Reference: The Shadow Party: How George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and Sixties Radicals Seized Control of the Democratic Party by Richard Poe

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