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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The best memoir I have read (Decision Points by George W. Bush)

I was a strong supporter of President Bush in the 2000 and 2004 election simply because he was a better man for the job than Al Gore. George W. Bush did not govern in a period conducive to high approval ratings or buoyant public confidence. From 9/11 to Iraq war to Katrina to the unwinding of the housing boom to a financial collapse tied to easy mortgages turned things against the President. But he goes down in the history as a man who did not wane at the criticism of his foreign policy. He did what was good for the country instead of doing what is popular.

I very much appreciated the president's candid discussion on NBC and later on Oprah Winfrey's talk show. On taxes, Bush did everything right for a shrewd politician, were it not for the war, it would have been an era of high fiscal responsibility; this would have contrasted very strongly to the dismal performance of Obama. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars are a direct result of Islamic terrorism. These wars sent a strong message to Islamic countries who would have gladly taken the sides with Islamic terrorists that United Sates will go after them if they assisted terrorists against United States. Countries like Libya voluntarily gave up their nuclear program. Other countries in the region reduced their pace in nuclear research and technology. Pakistan yielded to continued American drone attacks inside its territory where Taliban and Al Qaeda have safe sanctuaries.

In the book, Bush says he considered ordering a U.S. military strike against a suspected Syrian nuclear facility in 2007 but ultimately opted against it. He strongly defends using water boarding criticized by some as torture, as key to preventing a repeat of the September 11 attacks on the United States. And he says criticism from some, including rapper Kanye West, that his handling of the 2005 Hurricane Katrina suggesting he was racist was "an all-time low." We also learn from the president's perspective about his decision to quit drinking and finding God in his life; his love for the country, his family and his respect for his parents. His decision to defy public opinion by ordering the troop surge in Iraq which later turned out be the best military strategy. The failure to bring Osama bin Laden to justice is his biggest disappointment but his success in denying the Islamic terrorists to attack America again is one of his proudest achievements

In conclusion, President Bush did not have the luxury to govern in easy times. But he persevered, never shirked the tough decisions, and put us on the road to victory in Iraq. His contribution will be recognized and appreciated more and more in years to come.

Reference: Decision Points by George W. Bush

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