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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Restarting the Economic Machine of America

Broke - Restarting the Economic Machine of America: The author Glenn Beck explains why he believes the American economy and America as a country has become weak and arrived at the state of being completely broke. What Americans can do to restore the pride of Old Glory? The author emphasizes the importance of understanding the economic policies that has faltered in the last 234 years, beginning with the American Revolution and ending with what he refers to as the recklessness of Presidents Bush and Obama. This isn't exactly a new theme for Beck who has been predicting an economic crisis for several years. To fix ourselves financially, the author argues that we have to fix ourselves first. That means some serious introspection and a series of actions that will unite all Americans around the concept of shared sacrifice.

The book is described in three sections; it begins with American history since revolution, the American constitution, and in the second section, the economic policies of several past presidents and Obama. Finally in the last section the author suggests a plan and describes how his understanding of religion, government, and family plays a role in fixing our current problems. He suggests that we believe in America as a global leader and reshape the government to work with the people. Decentralize power and authority, cut spending, stop printing money and create policies that support a sound currency. And finally live your own life so that you are not dependent on the government. Some of his suggestions in his plan are controversial but the author makes it clear that sound conservative values are the only way to get back to our past glory. Many readers who watch him on Fox News Network regularly know that sometimes his arguments are outlandish but most of the time he tells the truth and discusses the issues freely and honestly.

Reference: Broke: The Plan to Restore Our Trust, Truth and Treasure by Glenn Beck

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