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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Ann Coulter is a fascinating writer

Ann Coulter is one of the best writers in the landscape of American journalism. Her style of writing is unique, humorous, penetrating and to the point. She is a strong defender of conservative values, and President Bush, when liberals and media attack him for his handling of Iraq and Afghanistan wars. She clearly identifies a man in the president who is not afraid to make tough decisions to keep this country safe from Islamic terrorists. In her writing, we see the president as true patriot who cared about this country more than what the opinion polls said about him. She addresses media attacks such as: "Bush lied, people died," "No blood for oil," "Tax cuts for the rich," "draft evader," "rich-spoiled boy," and many more. She identifies the Democratic Party's mob characteristics and its cowardly approaches and how its leaders' manipulate facts. Distortions, inflaming passions, demonizing opponents and dividing people on gender and race are few examples. The author takes on a tour of the barbaric and the bloody years of the French Revolution and its political implications, which were inspired in part by Jean Jacques Rousseau.

Obama staged a campaign against Fox News his first year in office, which is a textbook example of mob behavior. The author notes that if President Bush had taken a similar stance on liberal network; the whole media would have cried foul. Another example is Obama's belief that intervention in Iraq was wrong because it was solely for "regime change" and Iraq didn't attack us on 9/11; but intervention solely for regime change is a matter of convenience in Libya and Egypt even though they didn't have anything to do with 9/11.

The media portray Democrats as civil rights champions and Republicans as enemies of change. In reality, it was the republicans who fought civil rights bill and civil rights amendment to the Constitution including the 1964 Civil Rights Act. The Democratic Party only began to care about civil rights when blacks started voting in sufficient numbers.

This is an excellent thought-provoking book for anyone who is interested to know the facts: Highly recommended

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