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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Maharaj Radhanath Swami Preaching the Word of God in his recent book, "The Journey Within"

Maharaj Radhanath Swami Preaching the Word of God, the Bhagavadgita

I had the pleasure of listening to Radhanath Swami on many occasions, and I was deeply influenced by his spirituality, devotion and his guidance. He is one of the most influential follower of Srila Prabhupada since the Hare Krishna movement hit the Western Civilization. In this book, the maharaj helps us to understand the true message of the Lord Krishna narrated in Bhagavadgita.

I have been a spiritual seeker all my life and wanted to learn more about the Creator. I wanted to look beyond the message of Abrahamic faiths. I was not convinced that we can seek god through accepting the Son of God as a savior (John 3:16), or a messenger (Judaism) or a prophet (Muslim faith). The message found in Gita is different. The lord came to this world in the most obvious way possible for him, as a human being. First as Krishna and later as Chaitanya. The Lord gave the greatest gift to mankind, his sacred song, the Bhagavadgita that teaches us as how we can have a personal relationship with Him.

Life is a recycling process; one goes through the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. In this vicious cycle, our deeds do not go unnoticed by Lord Krishna. The rebirth can occur in any life form which depends on the karma of the immediate previous life. If one lead a devotional life practicing the bhakti yoga taught in Gita, that person would reappear in an elevated life from in the next life; or if a person did not follow the teachings of Krishna and did not show love for the Lord, then he would be born in a non-elevated life form. But Lord Krishna has given us a choice to escape this redundant physical existence. Accept Krishna’s message and follow the path of bhakti yoga and he can show you the way where this cycle and physical existence is replaced with a complete union of the Supreme Being, the Lord Krishna. And we get to live in a timeless and spaceless universe full of consciousness. It is in His presence we find joy and everlasting peace. The critical factor is to lead a devotional and spiritual life, by practicing bhakti yoga, as taught by Lord Chaitanya, and later expounded by Srila Prabhupada. Radhanath Swamiji has given several examples from his experiences. His words have changed my life spiritually, and I have no doubt that it can change yours as well.

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