The story of Gopakumara and Narada Maharishi
This book is a collection of 12 lectures delivered by Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja. The topic of these lectures include the conversation between Gopakumara and Narada Maharishi discussed in the fourth chapter of Srimad Bhagavatam (Bhagavata Purana). Elaborating on this story, the author focuses on the words of wisdom offered to a morose and depressed Gopakumara. The spiritual instruction of maharishi help him understand the purpose of his long and arduous journey to be with the Supreme Being. The maharishi persuades the devotee not to give up hope but to keep submerged in deep devotion chanting the maha-mantra, the Gopal-mantra. This is the path of bhakti-yoga; the way for the soul be in holy union with the Supreme Soul.
When Gopakumara despaired after years of practicing bhakti and never found peace, the Lord sent Narada Maharishi to console and guide him so that he finishes the journey to be in the abode of the lord (Vaikuntha). The gist of the story is that if we dedicate ourselves in bhakti and chanting the holy name, Lord Krishna responds to your bhakti and offers assistance and guidance to find Him.
Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja is the disciple of Srimad Bhakti Prajnana Kesava Maharaja. Narayana Maharaja was a close friend of Bhaktivedanta Prabhupada, the founder of ISKCON. Their teachings paralleled to exemplify and enumerate the principles of Vaishnavism and celebrate the second coming of Lord Krishna as Lord Chaitanya in order to strengthen the path bhakti-yoga taught in his sacred song, the Bhagavadgita.
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