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Monday, September 19, 2016

Book Reviewed: Happily Ali After: And Other Fairly True Tales by Ali Wentworth

Vagina monologues of Ali Wentworth

Ali Wentworth is a gorgeous woman, great comedienne and an excellent writer. This memoir is written in an entertaining prose rather than a traditional biography. In this collection of essays, she writes about relationships, friendships, inspiration, marriage, parenting, and wellness. She muses on the hard lessons learned in her career as a television performer, a wife and a mother in her 50 years of life! After all life experiences comes in fifty shades of grey.

Some of the interesting stories in this book are; when she was living in Los Angeles with her friend named Daphne, she experiences jealousy with her friend. She finds that her circle of friends were encased in sexual ambiguity and insecurity in life. In another episode, when she was on an erotic adventure with her boyfriend named Leo to Hawaii, he takes a book to read during the trip and her dream of a romantic weekend comes to an abrupt end when he leaves her in the hotel. While shooting for video project in her swanky apartment in New York, when a cameraman named Hugh stinks up her apartment with a bowel blast in the restroom; she comes up with several schemes to circumvent that problem but to no avail.

This book is full of witty zingers and some juicy stories. With twist of words and phrases, she narrates her life story in a highly entertaining style and keeps the reader engaged to the very last page. Despite all the rowdiness, Ali Wentworth’s erudition pokes fun of life. She sounds psychotic, but she is also a lady who is proud of intimate disclosures sharing with her readers.

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