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Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Solve Your Virginia Traffic Case: Powerful Facts about DUI, Speeding and Reckless Driving in Virginia , Jonathan P. Fisher

Traffic ticket success: Could you beat a traffic ticket in VA using this book?

I am disappointed with this book. I thought this book will introduce you about Virginia traffic laws and explain the laws in layman terms and help readers to develop a strategy for beating a traffic ticket. But it is not about that, but this is a sales pitch to hire the services of the attorney who wrote this book. It is pretty short, about 42 pages and causes certain amount panic. It repeatedly reminds you that reckless driving or drunk driving is a Class I misdemeanor. Perhaps this could be serious for certain professions like an airline pilot or a physician. But this book does not address other minor traffic-related issues which involves only fines.

If you are faced with simple traffic ticket, do a Google search and you will come across plenty of websites and blogs that offer you assistance in developing a strategy for your defense. Follow the basic rules and use common sense approach. Take pictures where the traffic ticket was issued. Note the time, traffic situation, etc. If you had a passenger in the car, you could use that person as a witness. Go to your local traffic court one or two weeks earlier and sit down for few hours and observe the proceedings. You will learn how the traffic court operates. I have found traffic courts to be very friendly; judges are courteous and easy to communicate with. It is not a stressful experience. Do your homework and get all exhibits in order and present your facts. Be relaxed. That should do you plenty good. I have beaten every traffic ticket with common sense approach. Good luck!

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