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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Book Reviewed: A More Perfect Union: What We the People Can Do to Reclaim Our Constitutional Liberties, by Ben Carson and Candy Carson

The Republican Presidential Candidate Ben Carson expounds on the US Constitution

In this book entitled, "A More Perfect Union" The Republican Presidential Candidate Ben Carson expounds on the US Constitution. This is an inspiring book to understand and defend our Constitution. Written in plain and easy to understand English, the presidential candidate explains the basic teachings of the American Constitution and what it stands for, and how they inspired the founding fathers. He elaborates on the freedom guaranteed to us, and how we can protect and defend our rights, and the American way of living. He explains the current events and controversial issues facing the nation. He stresses that it is important for Americans to defend the Bill of Rights, which guarantees our freedom to speech, right to bear arms, practice our religion, and much more.

Carson is one of the few candidates who understands the dangers of Islam and explains how it is incompatible with the Constitution that upholds a democratic society. The teachings of Islam contrasts the very principles that upholds the Western civilization.

Ben Carson is a 2016 Republican Party candidate for President of the United States and a retired Johns Hopkins Medical School Neurosurgeon. After delivering a widely publicized speech at the 2013 National Prayer Breakfast meeting, he became a popular conservative figure in political media for his views on social and political issues. A More Perfect Union" is one of at least seven books from Ben Carson that have become bestsellers. Strongly recommended to all conservative readers who like to uphold the constitution and the supporters of Ben Carson

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