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Friday, October 23, 2015

Movie Reviewed: He Who Gets Slapped, starring Lon Chaney, Norma Shearer and John Gilbert

This is the first movie entirely prepared and produced by MGM Studios

This is the first movie entirely prepared and produced by MGM Studios. This is the story of scientist (Lon Chaney) who started a new life as a circus clown after his wife runs away with his patron-friend. Incidentally his friend also steals his discoveries and takes credit at the academic council. After Chaney joins the circus, he falls in love with a female performer (Norma Shearer). But the daredevil horseback rider of the circus, played by John Gilbert also falls in love with the same girl. Unfortunately, the father of Norma Shearer wants her to marry a wealthy baron, but she rejects the baron and declares love for Gilbert. Strange circumstances make the baron and the father of Norma Shearer killed by a lion.

The story is based on a Russian play staged on Broadway few years earlier by the Theater Guild. It was a risky choice for the studio’s debut since the story shows the killing of two human beings by a lion. However the film was highly profitable for MGM Studios in the freshman year, and it was critically hailed upon release. It was also the first film to feature Leo the Lion as the mascot MGM.

The studio boss Louis Mayer and Irving Thalberg, after careful consideration, assigned three major actors for this project; John Gilbert, Norma Shearer and Lon Chaney and assigned Swedish director Victor Seastrom to direct this film. Their strategy paid off and MGM went on to become one of the greatest studios in Hollywood.

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