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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Women Who Don't Wait in Line: A passionate call to women of next generation

Book Reviewed: Women Who Don't Wait in Line: Break the Mold, Lead the Way, by Reshma Saujani

This is a brilliantly written book by an activist who calls for women to enlist in re-defining themselves, and in remaking America. Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan brought women to the point of equality and it is up to the women of 21 century to walk past the door to make a difference in their own lives and for others. The author believes that women are not walking fast enough to make changes. They have to change inequities they face and must change themselves. They must really look themselves and explore what holds them back individually. Work through your aversion to risk and failure, embrace ambition, and put aside judgment of one another in a sorority of sisterhood, says the author.

This book was written as a challenge to the next generation of women to think about leadership differently. Celebrate competition, pursue failure, build and prosper sisterhood, and learn to be like yourself and not following or emulating others, pursue dreams and opportunities with all your energy. This book is the story of her experience and the experience of women of her generation. Inspiring women to think how they view leadership, how they teach children and how they can go around to making their dreams a reality. She says, women are inner activists and calls for awakening this spirit and inspire other women to do the same and remake the nation.

Congressional candidate Reshma Sujani is a young Indian American woman who audaciously ran against the eighteen year old incumbent, Representative Carolyn Maloney for New York's 12th congressional district. She lost the election but gained the insight back into what is holding women back. She thanked Congresswoman Maloney for the opportunity to find passion and dedication to Sujani's beliefs and try to make her dream a reality. Her loss made her even stronger and bolder about pursuing her dreams.

Success is rewarded not by pedigree but by personal experience; both triumphs and failures. Women must operate with 21 century mentalities in 21 century culture and not 20 century codes. She provides a new model of next generation leadership and there are seven chapters in the book that explore lessons learned by the author and the women who are narrowing the gender gap. They found right support groups to energize their enthusiasm and energy to find themselves and move forward. They didn't wait in line for their names to be called, but marched with the thoughts of being the current and next generation leaders. The old model of feminism is holding many women. The new leaders don't allow old style feminism to hold them back. They find strength in gender and not apologize for it. The book illuminates a new path to reach a goal and revolutionize the world we live in for better. If you have a dream, jump the line because waiting is over, says the author.

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