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Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Leadership Transformed: The arts and science of transforming a leader

Book Reviewed: Leadership Transformed: How Ordinary Managers Become Extraordinary Leaders, by Peter Fuda

The material presented in this book is for leaders of corporations and large companies although the author claims that the principles (he calls them metaphors) will help leaders of small companies too. These metaphors will motivate and inspire members of his company to do better for its growth and performance. The critical issue is the leadership. How does a leader approach this? Much of the material presented in here is a common sense approach; motivate and inspire and do the best, as most NFL players call it "put 110%" into his efforts. The author refers to this as "Fire" metaphor that is central to the seven metaphors he describes. All metaphors have fluid relationship to one another, and fire provides the context, purpose and leverages for your ambition to create and grow. The actual cases are discussed to illustrate his metaphors, and the results of the author's research shows the CEO's dramatically shift their actual impact after following his metaphors.

A CEO of a major American Corporation said that the quality of one's personal life is important. His advice was to "marry well." If your personal life is good and happy one, you can focus on leadership. Leadership transformation is a great motivational tool that many corporations look for to promote growth and productivity.

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