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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Book Reviewed: Quantum Supremacy: How the Quantum Computer Revolution Will Change Everything by Michio Kaku

Spinning with Qubits Quantum supremacy is the point at which a quantum computer can complete a mathematical calculation that is beyond the reach of even the most powerful supercomputer. One of the promising applications of quantum computers is simulating the behavior of matter at the molecular and subatomic particle level. The author gives a brief introduction to the physics concepts on which quantum computers function. But the rest of the book is focused on the applications of quantum computers to solve the problems of life. The author shows that they may be used in every aspect of life and the cosmos. For example, the role of proteins that accelerate the molecular repair of DNA may be precisely understood. If the precise mechanism of DNA repair is known, one might be able to improve on curing many diseases, and even eliminate the aging process. The author also discusses some fascinating topics such as, 1. Did God have a choice in making the universe? Could God have created the universe in any other way? 2. Is the universe a simulation? Are we just automatons living in a video game? Is everything we see and do a by-product of a computer simulation? 3. Do quantum computers compute in parallel universes? 4. Is the universe a quantum computer? This book is interesting but lacks details.

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