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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Book Reviewed: Night Sky: Stargazing with the Naked Eye by Robert Harvey

Glory of the night sky This book depicts the glory of the night sky. The cosmic bodies photographed in this book may be seen with naked eye, which were taken with regular cameras and lenses. The author suggests that a digital camera, a manual control over exposure, and a sturdy tripod is all that was necessary for the photographs. In order to find a good dark sky, he drove away from city lights, areas of remote countryside, mountains, coasts, and deserts with strong foreground such as peaks, rocks, towers, or trees. There are numerous color photographs that show the Milky Way galaxy and its companions the two Magellan dwarf galaxies. The book is Eurocentric and some of the most beautiful views of the cosmic bodies may be seen from Africa and the highest peaks of Himalayas. The author devotes forty-eight pages to photographs from Europe, forty-two pages to photographs from North America, and only twenty-two pages each to photographs from Asia, and Africa.

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