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Friday, April 12, 2019

Book Reviewed: A Philosophy for Europe: From the Outside, by Roberto Esposito and Zakiya Hanafi

A metaphysical analysis of the Islamic invasion of Europe

The refugee crisis in Europe is conceptualized as economic and socio-political problem; the European culture is in dire-straits. In particular, the increase in Muslim population and terrorist attacks represent challenges to the European wisdom. The author calls this an overlap between inside and outside; Europe as one nation, a form a united states of Europe, and the migrants threatening the European identity. European Union is handling this with a degree of tolerance and acceptance in the hopes that this will diffuse the hostilities. The European leaders are subjecting its population to changes in its traditional identity towards multiculturism. The political leadership is lost and inefficient to deal with the situation.

European Union was created with little thought on the long-term effects on it’s on its racial identity. The political, social and economic forecasting would have easily predicted the changing political environments in Africa, Middle East, Pakistan and Bangladesh and ensuing migration crisis. The uncontrollable rise of migration is caused to a large extent by the European colonization, and the economic consequences and conflicts in the Middle East and African nations. EU was also short-sighted that it created external borders but opened of its internal borders. This caused more harm to the union; the new Brexit crisis; German and Austrian nationalism; Hungarian and Polish autonomy in matters of immigration; and the pathological reactions triggered by the dynamics of globalization.

People of Europe fought each other until the middle of the last century. The continent was always dominated by the nationalist instincts, distinct languages and cultures. How could you achieve integration like the United State of America? The author calls for a social reconciliation that would restore political strength to the European Union. But this may not fix the developing problem. Because European system is built on Christian civilization and logic. This is built into political, economic and social life. Islam is an alternative model that works on totally different logic and expectations. If one looks at the 1400 years of Islamic history, one concludes that the two cultures are directly colliding with each other and may not reconcile.

This book is interesting in that it relates well with a recent book by French philosopher Pascal Bruckner on Islamo-fascism, and Marc Weitzman’s book on rising antisemitism in France and the rest of Europe due to Muslim migrants. In this book, the political, economic and social parameters are evaluated in philosophical terms. This is not for a casual reader. You may be lost while reading this book unless you have deep interest in metaphysics.

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