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Sunday, April 14, 2019

Book Reviewed: Chasing Cosby: The Downfall of America's Dad by Nicole Weisensee Egan

The life of a sexual predator

Race had always been a haunting backdrop to Cosby’s story. Defense attorney Andrew Wyatt was hoping that Cosby’s downfall would invoke memories of so many tragic cases in which innocent African Americans were wrongly accused and convicted. But in the case of Bill Cosby, it was not a wrongful conviction, having 60 women accuse him of sexual assault, he looked more like a serial rapist who got off easy. In fact, Cosby’s case reverberates as a case of reverse-racism, since most of his victims were white and very attractive women. It was sad that the benefits of civil rights and injustices done to black men in this country played favorably for Cosby in a politically correct atmosphere.

In October 2014 comedian Hannibal Buress's comedy routine of Cosby’s sexual misconduct resulted in more women coming forward with their experiences of Cosby’s sexual misconduct. About 60 women have accused him of drug-facilitated sexual assault and sexual misconduct that span from 1965 to 2008. Luckily for Cosby, the statute of limitations for criminal trial expired in nearly all cases except for Andrea Constand. After a year-long trial, Cosby was found guilty of three counts of aggravated indecent assault and sentenced to three to ten years in prison in a Pennsylvania court. Bill Cosby admitted to sex involving the use of the sedative methaqualone (Quaaludes). Famed book publisher Judith Regan also took the stand at the criminal trial and confirmed that she told model Janice Dickinson that she couldn’t include her account of being drugged and raped by Cosby in her memoir due to potential legal issues. During this trial the judge allowed five accusers to testify being drugged and sexually assaulted by Cosby; Janice Dickinson was one of them.

Egan is an experienced journalist and she was the first reporter to investigate Cosby illegally administering the drug and sexually assaulting his victims. This is very well researched work with numerous references. The story is discussed in distinct periods, and how it evolved to bring Cosby to justice. Jan 2005 to Oct 2014 section starts with Andrea Constand being sexually assaulted by Cosby at his home in Philadelphia; Oct 2014 to June 2017, exposing the skeletons from Bill Cosby’s closet by stand-up comedian Hannibal Buress during his comedy sketches. He was an unknown stand-up trying to break into the comedy business by discussing the rape allegations against Teflon Cosby. The last section, June 2017 to Sep 2018 ends with Andrea Constand’s victory in the criminal case against Cosby. Bill Cosby was handcuffed and led to the place where he always belonged. At the end of the book, there is a detailed notes for each chapter as an appendix where readers could find more facts in the Cosby drama. This is a very well narrated story and reads flawlessly. I recommend this book to readers interested in Bill Cosby’s predatorial behavior.

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