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Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Book Reviewed: What Happened by Hillary Clinton

What went wrong for Hillary in 2016 presidential run?

Hillary blames everyone but herself for her failed 2016 run against Donald Trump. Senator Bernie Sanders is on the top of her blame game. On The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, Senator Sanders gave the best comment on Hillary’s new book. “Secretary Clinton ran against the most unpopular candidate in the history of this country and she lost. She’s upset about it. I understand that.” “But our job is not to go backward. ... I think it’s a little bit silly to keep talking about 2016.” That is the best review anyone can give on a very bad political analysis. In fact she never blames her close friend, Muslima Huma Abedin. Many moderate voters (“progressives”) were too afraid of Abedin’s influence in the White House, which could have had detrimental effect on issues such as Israel, the Middle East, Muslim policies and promoting sharia laws in this country. It is a fallacy to blame others. The “progressives” were driven out of the party because of her close relationships with Wall Street millionaires, and her email scandals. A recent poll showed that Hillary Clinton may have broken the laws of this country with regards to emails. Just in today, that a Maryland county judge has ordered the state bar to investigate three lawyers accused of deleting thousands of Hillary Clinton's emails.

Sanders energized progressive movement in this country and grassroots activism is much stronger than ever been. Young people began to vote for the first time, and became very vocal and highly engaged in the political process. That is something Sanders should be very proud of. He is a true reformer. Hillary Clinton was unpopular, because she was dishonest and opportunistic. Many moderate voters found Donald Trump is more trustworthy, and his messages were well received. The Clinton Foundation, a nonprofit “global philanthropic empire” was nothing but a criminal enterprise, observed one FBI official. FBI Director James Comey’s interventions on the subject of her emails helped her from criminal inquiry and did not hurt her as she claims in this book.

People are tired of hearing about Clinton family, especially from Hillary after her embarrassing defeat. In a recent Morning Consult poll, 39 percent of 2,000 respondents said Hillary Clinton should cease all influence on the Democratic Party. That would be the best thing that could ever happen to America.

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