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Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Book Reviewed: The Visions of Zechariah, by Brian Johnston

Faith and Belief in the Church of Jesus Christ

This is a call for the followers of Christian faith to relate to the visions of Prophet Zechariah in light of the ministry of Jesus Christ. The book of Zechariah begins recalling the history of Israel, and then follows with a series of eight visions (Zechariah 1:7–6:8). Chapter 9 to 14 has two "oracles" or "burdens," and the first oracle (chapters 9-11) gives an outline of God's providential dealings with his people down to the time of the coming of the Messiah (Old Testament). And the second oracle (chapters 12–14) points out the glories that await Israel in "the latter day", the final conflict and triumph of God's kingdom. The author and like many preachers of New Testament suggest that this refers to the coming of Jesus Christ. Zechariah’s vision, the author argues isn’t just about the restoration of the service of God’s house in the sixth century BC, during the days of Tabernacle in ancient Israel. But it symbolizes the good times which were to come after Christ’s Advent. It emphasize the vision of God on earth is designed to be a witness to His son’s coming. To that end it functions by the Spirit of God with God-given light, as said in the book of Revelation. There is gracious blessings of the Lord for Israel, and his own followers in the ministry of Jesus Christ. The text of this book could have come from a sermon delivered at the church by the author of this book.

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