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Sunday, December 10, 2023

Book Reviewed: The Central Theme of the Srimad Bhagavatam by Swami Ranganathananda

The practice of Bhakti yoga This is a small book of fifty-six pages that summarizes the principal teachings of Bhagavata Purana (Shrimad Bhagavatam) by Swami Ranganathananda, a well-known follower of the Sri Ramakrishna Math order. Swamiji brings his spiritual knowledge of Dvaita Vedanta to illustrate the path of Bhakti, the aesthetic delight of Prema or Pure Ecstatic Love for the personal God. This practice, strengthened by jn̄an̄a (knowledge of self) and vairagya (renunciation) leads to breaking free from karma (individual self’s suffering and bondage) that ends to the cycle of birth and death. Shrimad Bhagavatam is a crowning moment for the Dvaita Vedanta philosophy that distinguishes the divine from the individual self. According to this philosophy, the divine is a personal God, distinct from the individual self is in control of this universe. The individual self, on the other hand, is a finite limited entity that is subjected to the laws of the universe. Karma that results from life’s bondage to these laws is viewed as the cause of the individual’s self’s suffering. The only way to break free from karma is to surrender to the personal God. The concept of Maya of Advaita Vedanta is regarded as the cause of the individual self’s ignorance and bondage in Dvaita school of thought. Surrendering to the personal God Lord Krishna brings forth the eternal bliss. The text of Srimad Bhagavatam consists of twelve books (skandhas or cantos) with 335 chapters and 18,000 verses. The tenth book, with about 4,000 verses, the most popular is discussed by the author. The 31st chapter of this mandala is the Gopika Gita singing the praises of Lord Krishna. It illustrates the true love for the personal God; a believer of Bhakti yoga sees Lord Krishna through the eyes and heart of a Gopi. It is a journey to experience the Oneness with the Lord that strengthens the seeker’s relationship with the Divine. The author discusses one important verse from each of the twelve skandhas. A prior knowledge of Bhagavadgita and Srimad Bhagavatam is helpful to appreciate the teachings of Swamiji.

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