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Thursday, November 23, 2023

Book Reviewed: Collision of Power: Trump, Bezos, and the Washington Post by Martin Baron

Washington Post is a fake news media trying to sabotage democracy Washington Post is one of the sources of misinformation and crackpot conspiracy theories of today that is destroying democracies not only the United States but also in other countries like India and Israel. For example, the Washington Post incessantly fact-checked Donald Trump’s presidency, but now the Post does not fact-check Biden’s speeches. The platform has been taken over by Leftist journalists, liberals, and Islamists, promoting critical race theory (CRT), Black Lives Matter (BLM), ANTIFA. LGBTQ, antisemitism, and Islam has become the focus of newspaper. The Post took down a recently published cartoon in which Hamas terrorists surrounded themselves with civilians and children while fighting Isarel. The Post apologized excessively for publishing it, but the apology is unnecessary and uncalled for since the cartoon spoke truthfully. In another publication, the Post described a high-value terrorist like Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as an "austere religious scholar" in a 2019 obituary. They also support anti-Semitism, anti-Israel, pro-Hamas conspiracy theories, and trying to destroy democracy in India. Why would not they report or comment on their opinion column about human rights abuses in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Islamic Africa, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen. And not to forget Islamic savagery that is happening in African countries. The Global Opinions Editor Karen Attiah promotes antisemitic, Hinduphobic, and anti-India opinions. The paper ignores the truth in a way that sabotages democracy. It is known for hiring controversial and biased journalists who act more like activists for liberal causes rather than as objective journalists for truth. Anti-Modi, anti-India and Hinduphobic journalists like Meena Venkataraman, Anumita Kaur, Khaled Beydoum, Rana Ayyub, and several others regularly spew venom against India but remain silent when Hindu minorities are killed, abducted, and forcibly converted in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Hindus are getting killed all over India, especially in Kashmir. Indian Hindus are prevented from practicing Hindu faith by Islamists in several Indian states. Untruthful stories about Hindus in India are featured regularly in the Post and used every means possible to create anti-govt and anti-Modi sentiments. In this book, Washington Post Editor Martin Baron shares his experience as the managing editor, and working for Jeff Bezos, the new owner. He argues that journalists at the Post must work with objectives to get the truth and report it. But the fact is the Post and other leading newspapers like NYTimes have become a place for social activists to promote their beliefs in the gospels of CRT, ANTIFA, LGBTQ and antisemitism. They supported Adam Schiff who launched an all-out political campaign built on baseless distortions against a sitting U.S. president, Donald Trump. Why did Post did not realize that Schiff politicized the Russia collusion in 2016 election when there was no evidence for it. The U.S. House of Representatives censured Schiff for engaging in falsehoods. Matt Taibbi reported “Twitter Files” in 2022/2023 that indicated the Biden campaign reached out regularly to ask Twitter to investigate and remove posts which Twitter complied. In the case of Hunter Biden laptop story, Twitter went into overdrive, falsely categorizing the story as “hacked materials” early on, then locking prominent accounts that shared it. The Post enthusiastically protected the President from its ill effects. I do not think you will miss it much if you choose not to read this book.

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