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Friday, April 14, 2023

Book Reviewed: The Courage to Be Free: Florida's Blueprint for America's Revival by Ron DeSantis

Standing the ground Ron DeSantis is a great example of achieving success through dedicated hard work. This book provides an in-depth look at his career and work to make Florida a better place. He describes how he rejected using polls as a guide in his political career, and became an active and energetic executive who focused on important issues that were relevant to Floridians. This biography of Ron DeSantis is a must-read, which shows the human side of a man who is changing the state of Florida in a way that no one else could. His legacy includes many far-ranging measures in Florida, which includes the passing of the “Stop Wrongs Against Our Kids and Employees Act," (WOKE Act) that would allow parents to sue school districts that teach critical race theory (CRT). The bill also combats "woke indoctrination" in Florida businesses and schools by preventing instruction that could make people bear "personal responsibility" for historic wrongdoings due to their race, gender, or national origin. The passage of this bill came close to the heels of the passage of the education bill known as the "Don't Say Gay" bill, which forbids instruction related to sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through Grade 3. DeSantis signed an anti-"sanctuary city" bill into law that prevents illegal immigrants find sanctuaries in Florida cities. He also worked for the legislation to prohibit technology corporations from de-platforming political candidates. The private corporations wielding de facto public power is not in the best interests of the people of Florida. He stood up and fought against Disney Corporation for opposing "Don't Say Gay" bill. DeSantis is also fighting the Fake News media and the woke journalists who believe that their role is to transform America into a progressive utopia by the creation of manufactured narratives. The book reads well, and readers interested in conservative values and the work of Gov. DeSantis would love this book.

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