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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

Book Reviewed: The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros by Matt Palumbo

Soros: The man in the ‘hood' George Soros is a modern-day ‘hood who funds anarchists, and radical leftists who will take to the streets and agitate with threats and violence. Soros has no national boundaries, he works globally and tries to destabilize democratically elected governments, political parties and organizations that believe in conservative values that are deemed harmful for racial and ethnic minorities. He has spent nearly 32 billion dollars using his personal charity, the Open Society fund. He has emerged as the biggest supporter of Islamists worldwide promoting antisemitism, and Hinduphobia. He uses the political action committee (PAC) in United States that pools campaign contributions from members and donates them to campaigns for or against specific candidates, ballot initiatives, or legislation. PACs are formed to represent business, labor, or ideological interests to privately spend for a political campaign. Much of Soros funds has gone to promote the values of democratic party in the United States, and in fact, he became the biggest individual benefactor of Biden in the 2020 U.S. Presidential race. He has become a modern-day bogeyman for the funding leftists who want to burn American Constitution. They seek to undermine the war on terror, destabilize America, and effect radical "regime change" at every level of the democratic system. Soros's Open Society Foundation has challenged the democratic policies of Israel in international forums. He has funded non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that are critical of Israeli policies including groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel, and supporting terrorist activities of Palestinians. In India, George Soros is not just a philanthropist or a savvy investor, but he is the 21st century avatar of capitalism, wealth-creation, and benevolence leading to economic dependence and cultural decimation by funding Islamists and leftists who are openly advocating to revolt against a democratically elected government. Matt Palumbo is a conservative journalist who has chronicled the life and work of Soros beautifully and addresses his involvement in Hungary, Poland, and Ukraine. How he has infiltrated the higher education, the media, and the local governments with his ill-gotten money. This book is well-researched and reader-friendly.

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