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Saturday, February 19, 2022

Book Reviewed: Diversity Explosion: How New Racial Demographics are Remaking America by William H. Frey

Is diversity necessary for prosperity? This book examines the demographics of the United States and discusses its implications in terms of racial and cultural diversity as a positive influence on the health of American society. The author expresses hope that the nation will experience continuing conflicts over its growing diversity. And American citizens understand the significance of new diversity for its economic future and embrace the change. He points out that the political impact of the nation's new diversity surge was evident in the election of Barrack Obama as the first Black president. But he is too quick to make a positive assessment in ignoring key issues. For example, European leaders have accepted cultural transformation of parts of their countries into Muslim territories, there is a demographic disaster taking place. They know that in two or three decades, Europe will be ruled by significant number of Islamic politicians. This is already clear in United Kingdom where hijab-wearing women have become political leaders at both the national and local governments. Muslim leaders relentlessly fight for the operation of Sharia laws in U.K. that is largely built on human right violations. Historian Walter Laqueur said that European civilization is dying, and only old monuments and museums would survive. He was too optimistic, because the old monuments and museums might well be blown up as they signify Christian culture. We have been seen the rise of “Antifa” — an “anti-fascist” movement whose actions are extreme in its demand for police defunding and Marxist ideologies. The 9/11 terrorist attack in New York and other large-scale terrorist attacks in Europe received the same reaction as others: tears, prayers, flowers, candles, teddy bears, and proclamations that Islam means peace. Mainstream media call these errors of the past committed by the Western countries. West European leaders treat Islamic terrorism as a fact that we must get used to as some kind of aberration unrelated to Islam. This shift has occurred in less than half a century. Before then, asking them to integrate became unthinkable. They consider themselves as Muslim first. Many European leaders, especially on the left have given up defending their own civilization. Social-housing neighborhoods suddenly became Muslim neighborhoods. Young Muslim hoods patrol the areas making it hostile to non-Muslims, especially women. They became breeding grounds for the recruitment of Islamic terrorists. Western governments passed laws restricting freedom of speech. In most European countries, even questioning Islam is branded as "Islamophobia". It leads to heavy fines, if not criminal trials and prison time. The Biden administration is seriously considering such laws and even going as far as creating Islamophobia czar for Department of Homeland Security, with strong vocal support from Reps. Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib and not to mention strong support from democratic outfit. Western leaders have neither the will nor the means to oppose the incoming waves of millions of Muslim migrants from Africa and the Middle East when no Islamic country would welcome them. There is a demographic disaster taking place in Europe, and if the United States does not act to stop Muslim migration, we will see a Western culture devoid of freedom of expression. The author of this book is too optimistic in his analysis and does not examine the social and political climate created by a rapidly changing demographics by Islamists from Africa and the Middle East.

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