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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Book Reviewed: Incredible Journeys: Exploring the Wonders of Animal Navigation, by David Barrie

The animal instinct for migration

Animals make use of a range of navigational cues, including the sun, earth's magnetic field, olfaction and vision. Birds such as the Arctic tern, insects such as the monarch butterfly and fish such as the salmon regularly migrate thousands of miles to and from their breeding grounds. Monarch butterfly employs an internal clock, calendar, compass, and map to commence and measure the two-thousand-mile annual journey to Mexico with a very tiny brain. The homing pigeon depend on a global positioning system (GPS) to let them know where they are. Avian migratory behavior is a well-studied phenomenon in biology and the author could have presented some scientific basis for this deportment. I am disappointed, this is just a description of animal migratory behavior without any discussion of biological basis. This is disengaging and fail to motivate readers.

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