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Saturday, September 8, 2018

Book Reviewed: The History of Jihad: From Muhammad to ISIS

Jihad and Genocide

This book examines the relationship between Islam & ISIS, and jihad & genocide. Robert Spencer, a respected scholar in the field of Islamic terrorism takes a close look at the violent interpretations of Quran, Hadith and Sharia law, and as how it has played out in the past twelve hundred years. Spencer’s unflinching study of jihad to initiate targeted violence against infidels. The faith lacks tolerance and promotes violence.

ISIS is a fundamentalist group that interprets Islamic teachings with all its beliefs and truth. The liberal media makes us believe that ISIS is neither Islamic nor a state, despite the fact that ISIS’ meteoric rise from the chaotic deserts of Syria and Iraq, and its popularity in Islamic countries. Spencer articulates the origins of ISIS in the context of Islamic history and of past caliphates. The author shows us as how once predominantly Christian Middle East has turned into a freedom suppressing Muslim monarchies. While it is tempting to stick our heads in the sand and hope for moderate Muslims to reign in their radical compatriots, but the history of Islam from days of Muhammad has been one of unrelenting militarism and domination of the Kafir (unbelievers). Spencer provides the historical support for caliphates in the Islamic world. ISIS tries to restore Islam’s global power.

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