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Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Book Reviewed: No Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood near you, by Raheem Kassam

Islamization of Western Societies

Europe has submitted to Islamists who have taken over communities, neighborhoods, towns and cities within a generation. For example, London is a city built over 2,000 years and it has become a third world hell-hole with many neighborhoods patrolled by Sharia-enforcing Muslim thugs. U.K has a large population of immigrants from Asia, and immigrants such as Hindus from India assimilate well with local population, but Muslims clearly identify as a separate community from the rest of the population. Muslim dominated inner cities across U.K, France, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Denmark, and other have their own “no-go” zones where Muslims enforce sharia to intimidate women for not following the 8th century codes. They are wreaking havoc through terrorism, and an epidemic of sexual assault against women. Jihadi enclaves protected by clerics and Muslim community leaders are becoming “no-go zones” even for police. Cops are either hesitant to enter the community or refuse to enforce the law to the full extent. This book chronicles growing chaos in Europe where Muslims are primarily focused on the Islamization of Western civilization. Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic organizations have a well-defined strategy for conquering Europe through conversions, intimidation and threats. Compounding this problem is that the entertainment industry, the media, academics, popular writers, the leftists and socialist groups have progressively aligned with Muslim causes, and clearly opposed to the interest of the country.

The Jihad Watch Organization affiliated with the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and run by blogger Robert Spencer, provides a daily report of divisive and dangerous activities of Islamists across the globe. For example, only this week, we find that the UN refugee agency is under scrutiny for terror links. U.K. Muslim gangs who targeted white teenage girls in sexual attacks were found guilty in a court of law but the judge did not handed longer jail sentences that fitted the crime because that would be considered Islamophobic in light of the fact that the victims were non-Muslim women. The Islamic State (ISIS) terror group called for vehicular jihad attacks numerous times, and that there have been many such attacks in the West in the last few years. Recently a Muslim deliberately drove a car into a pizzeria in France, and an innocent French girl was killed. The police were quick to rule out terrorism. An Islamic jihadist who recently went on a stabbing spree in a supermarket in Hamburg, Germany has been attributed to his mental illness. Denmark’s “Hug a Jihadi” program was started to give houses and jobs to returning Islamic State jihadis. In Switzerland, a Muslim cleric has been charged with incitement to murder non-practicing Muslims. Recently BBC News anchor Katty Kay said that “Europeans have to get used to terror attacks like the Manchester bombing.” Will she get used to wearing hijab? Despite all these, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany is calling for more Muslim migrants to Europe as she criticizes Charlottesville demonstrations. This book is a very compelling in its reporting. But it is not so shocking anymore since we read about Muslim terrorism in our daily newspapers.

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