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Sunday, April 16, 2017

Book Reviewed: Radiate by C.A. Higgins

Love in the space

This is a science fiction, the third book in the series following her first two books, Lightless and Supernova. The story revolves around a space traveler named Ananke, a person with artificial intelligence, searches for her human roots. She is known to have humanly feelings such as love and companionship. She travels in the company of her friend and mother Althea. In parallel, there is another pair named Matthew who is on a quest of his own is traveling the galaxy alongside Ivan. They are on a collision course with Althea with serious catastrophic consequences.

Man-machine interfaces may allow humans to live much longer and beyond the solar system. What will happen when we transfer parts of our “selves” into clones, into stored cells and machines? As Stephen Hawking has predicted, artificially intelligent machines will inevitably take over the world. This is what SpaceX CEO Elon Musk's concept is all about: an interface that will link the human brain with artificial intelligence. This is precisely dealt with by the science fiction writers like C. A. Higgins.

The story is compulsive of a romance writer; the writing is partly from the point of a human-machine perspective. The book descends to a love story, and the last section is influenced by the film “Casablanca.” The human feeling of the author is clearly reflected in the story her heroine. One thing that puzzled me is that the author uses quantum physics concepts as the title for various chapters that did not make too much sense to me.

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