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Friday, November 18, 2016

Book Reviewed: The Geeta, the Gospel of Lord Krishna, by Purohit Swami

A simple English translation

This is a simple English translation of the Sanskrit version of Bhagavadgita. The translation is good and easy to understand the essence of Gita. The translations for each of the 18 chapters may be found in this book, but the verses are not numbered in the Faber paper covered edition. The veracity of the English translation by the author may be compared with other translators by taking Gita 3.3 as an example.

Gita 3.3 - loke 'smin dvi-vidha nistha pura prokta mayanagha; jnana-yogena sankhyanam karma-yogena yoginam

Purohit Swami Translation:
In this world, there is a two-fold path, O Sinless One! There is the path of Wisdom for those who meditate, and the path of action for those who work.

Franklin Edgerton Translation:
In this world a twofold foundation of religious salvation has been expounded by Me of old. By the discipline of the knowledge of the followers of Sankhya; and by the discipline of the action of the followers of Yoga.

Edwin Arnold Translation:
Shown to this world; two schools of wisdom. First The Sankhya's, which doth save in way of works Prescribed by reason; next, the Yoga, which bids Attain by meditation, spiritually:

Swami Mukundananda Translation:
O sinless one, the two paths leading to enlightenment were previously explained by me: the path of knowledge, for those inclined toward contemplation, and the path of work for those inclined toward action.

Swami Prabhupada Translation:
O sinless Arjuna, I have already explained that there are two classes of men who realize the Self. Some are inclined to understand Him by empirical, philosophical speculation, and others are inclined to know Him by devotional work.

The Harvard Classics Sacred Writings, Charles Eliot Translation:
I told thee, blameless Lord! There be two paths, Shown to this world; two schools of wisdom. First The Sânkhy’s, which doth save in way of works Prescribed one by reason; next, the Yôg, which bids Attain by meditation, spiritually

V. Jayaram Translation:
O’ Sinless One, I declared two-kinds of worship in the world before, one is the path of knowledge pursued by the Sankhya and the other the path of action meant for men of action.

Harry Bhalla, and the American & International Gita Society (both have same translations):
I have stated a twofold path of spiritual discipline in the past, the path of self-knowledge for the contemplative ones, and the path of unselfish work for all others.

The Bhagavad Gita, due to its syncretism of Samkhya, Yoga, and Vedanta philosophies has played a major role in in the thoughts of numerous men and women as a universal scripture written for mankind. There are numerous websites that provides, English translations free of charge and so is the original in Sanskrit with transliteration. Some of them are;


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