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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Book Reviewed: In Trump We Trust: The New American Revolution by Ann Coulter

Trump puts America first

No one is capable of expressing their mind better than Ann Coulter. She cares more about America and justice than any other journalists. Her blogs, her tweets and her books are the best illustrators of her mind, and this book is no different. She is a lone fighter among grifters, hacks, losers and liberals. In this book, the 12-time New York Times bestselling author has rocked the world of journalism.

Ann Coulter has been a staunch supporter of Donald Trump and the first one to point out that his foreign policy is the best since it is designed on "America First" model. “Americans must know that we’re putting the American people first again,” Trump said. In his foreign policy speech, he warned that "On trade, on immigration, on foreign policy, the jobs, incomes and security of the American worker will always be my first priority.” His foreign policy would replace "randomness with purpose,” “ideology with strategy” and “chaos with peace." His mantra is simple; less immigration, especially from Islamic countries, revise trade deals and alliances, and resurrect America as the global leader.

Author Ann Coulter has a unique style of writing. It is an insight into the American political machinery in which both political parties have become immensely corrupt and care more about themselves and political correctness than what is truly needed to make America great again. She makes a definitive case for Donald Trump with all fairness, candor and vigor. She speaks for the silent majority, and unwilling to accept when the country is taken over by lawlessness, Islam and political thuggery. In this book she argues that she will defend and promote the position of a Donald Trump supporter; if you’re not Trump’s supporter, she says that she might just change your mind. It is highly insightful, with skillful arguments and political facts.

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