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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Book Reviewed: Nixon Tapes: 1973, by Douglas Brinkley

Nixon 1973 (Jan to April): A reflection on the tapings of the conversation with his “inner circle”

Anyone interested in the history of Nixon’s presidency, Water Gate Scandal or the Nixon’s tapes, this book makes a fascinating reading as it transcribes hours of recorded conversation with Nixon’s “inner circle” that included many White House Staff. The taped conversation highlights the troubled period of Jan to April 1973. From this book we learn that during much of this period, he was obsessed with Water Gate and looking for ways and means to cover it up. Even the peace agreement with Vietnam took a lower seat in these private conversations. It gives a closer look at Nixon, as a man in deep trouble with the law and nothing else mattered to him except get out of it safely! Some of his comments on other domestic issues such as social, political or economic factors were mean and perhaps irresponsible. On the question of abortion, the president seems to support abortion in cases of incest and unwanted interracial pregnancies!

On 2/23/1973, Nixon observed that a cover-up of the Water Gate Scandal is the best strategy, and blame the whole fiasco on former attorney general John Mitchell. On 3/13/1972, Nixon and John Dean worry about the money laundering of funds coming from Mexico and the consequences of posting an operative in Chappaquiddick, Massachusetts to investigate Senator Ted Kennedy. On 3/21/1972, Nixon approves the idea of payments in the form of hush money up to $1 million. The FBI official Howard Hunt, who figures prominently in Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s Water Gate investigations, a chief link between the White House and Water Gate burglars was paid $75,000 within a day! That constituted obstruction of justice and the beginning of the end of Nixon’s presidency. This is a highly engrossing work and historically an authoritative document about Nixon and his cohorts: Highly recommended.

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