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Sunday, August 23, 2015

Book Reviewed: The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS, by Robert Spencer

Book Reviewed: The Complete Infidel's Guide to ISIS, by Robert Spencer

ISIS: The rise of global Islamic caliphate

Robert Spencer is a great scholar of Islam and he has been educating the people over Islamic ideologies such as sharia law, jihad, fatwa, jizya (a capitation tax levied on non-Muslims), beheadings of infidels, death for apostasy, intolerance to other faiths and culture by quoting the verses from Quran and Hadith. This book documents the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and the dangers it poses to the rest of the world. The author presents facts and scriptural backing to show that ISIS is planning and executing the idea of killings of non-believers. The enslavement of Christian and Yazidi women in ISIS-controlled areas and their harsh treatment is a gross violation of human rights.

Minorities who want to remain in the "caliphate" face three options: converting to Islam, paying a religious levy (jizya) or face death. ISIS is a Salafi group that follows a literal interpretation of Islam which promotes religious violence and regards those who do not agree with its interpretations as infidels or apostates. ISIS believes that they are following the warriors of the original caliphate and it has recruited large populations of young Muslims from around the world. They have also recruited Iraqi children as young as nine to its ranks. The caliphate of ISIS states that the legality of all emirates, groups, states and organizations becomes null by the expansion of the Khalifah's [caliphate's] authority and arrival of its troops to their areas. In fact this is very worrisome for Saudi royal family and other emirates in the region that worry more about losing their power than the fate of its population. ISIS is also stepping up its military capabilities in all possible ways long global war (jihad). The Islamic State's propaganda says the terrorist group could purchase a nuclear weapon in Pakistan and smuggle it through Latin American trafficking networks and into the United States through its "porous border," the same way the illegal aliens arrive.

Obama’s most significant legacy is the rise of the Islamic State. His cut and run of American troops from Iraq left the country open to ISIS occupation. It was revealed in 2013 that the National Security Agency (NSA) was listening to phone calls and reading emails of every honest citizen of this country, but the this surveillance excludes jihad factories, the Muslim mosques, where homegrown terrorists are radicalized. Since October 2011, mosques have become off-limits to FBI surveillance.

Robert Spencer has been relentless in warning the real dangers of Islam when other conservatives are afraid and fearful of being branded as Islamophobic. Over the past 30 years, Spencer is debating about the expansion of Islam in the west. If they strengthen and solidify in the West, conquering the rest of world would be easy. He discusses ways to stop Islamic imperialism that enforces the sharia law. If we don’t do anything, then democracy as we know today would simply disappear under Islam. Spencer co-founded Stop Islamization of America (SIOA) and the Freedom Defense Initiative (FDI) with Pamela Geller in 2010 and currently directs Jihad Watch of David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is a fierce defender of free speech. He has argued with many Islamic scholars to reform the faith so that it could work in a democratic society, but most of them are more interested in deflecting the comments about real issues like sharia, fatwa, jizya, beadings, death for apostasy, terrorism and other disturbing messages coming out of the scriptures rather than reform their faith.

Over the years, I have enjoyed reading the Jihad Watch newsletters, books and blogs of Robert Spencer and I have come to like his style of writing. This is another scholarly work that I recommend very highly.

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