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Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Book Reviewed: The silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

Book Reviewed: The silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech, by Kirsten Powers

The left’s assault of conservative ideals

In this book, author Kristen Powers offer an interesting look at how “illiberal left” tries to delegitimize and demonize conservatives. The book notes offenses against speech, logic, and honesty routinely committed in the media and across American colleges. Women on the left quickly challenge sexism set against the feminist sisterhood, but remains silent when it is aimed at conservative women or when it is perpetrated by Islamists. Suppressing free speech, curtailing of academic freedom and intolerance to political incorrectness is far and wide when Islam, terrorism, and liberalism is growing at a tremendous pace. Specific examples are cited for liberals trying to silence those who disagree with them. The author provides the example of President Obama’s role in his attempt to diminish the Fox Cable News during the early years of his presidency. The wasteful liberal ideas practiced well over 50 years with trillions of dollars spent on unworkable social programs, to combat poverty and social injustices, has hurt the very people it was supposed to help and protect. The problem lies in the social agenda that is so clear to many conservatives. By wrongly interpreting the real issues, the liberal left has done irreparable damage to the society.

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