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Sunday, November 9, 2014

Book Reviewed: Hatred: Islam's War on Christianity by Michael Coren

Book Reviewed: Hatred: Islam's War on Christianity by Michael Coren

Scholarly work

Islamists are persecuting and murdering Christians all over the world. Where in the world is Network news or our political leaders who downplays the atrocities perpetrated by Muslims against Christians and religious minorities? The murder of Christians, ethnic Kurds and others by Muslims are not episodic, but it is by design. It is part of a master plan to bully, threaten, intimidate and destroy or subject to mass evacuation. How would our politicians and media pundits would react if Christians were murdering Muslims, blowing up mosques, and driving Muslims from their homes.

This book is not rhetoric of the persecution of Christians in Islamic countries, but it is the most pernicious example of Christian genocide since the Holocaust. The recent rise of ISIS and it's atrocities in Iraq and Syria has continued unabated with numerous examples of death and destruction of some of the most ancient Christian communities. There is a significant complacency among much of Muslim population and the liberal media that there is no such thing Islamic terrorism. One example is the mass killings at Our Lady of Salvation Syrian Catholic Cathedral in on October 31, 2010, when ISIS murdered at least fifty-eight people and wounding more than seventy-five. For the first time in 1,600 years, Sunday prayers were cancelled at the Orthodox Monastery of the Virgin Mary and Priest Ibram in Degla, in Egypt. In Cairo, Franciscan nuns watched as the cross over the gate to their school was torn down and eventually the school itself was torched. Christians are systematically tortured, raped, beaten, arrested, forcibly converted; crucified, exiled, and murdered. Tragically the rest of the world, including Western countries are doing very little to stop this holocaust.

Middle East is the homeland of the Christian Church. Where is it heading to? At the current level of Muslim intolerance, Christians and religious minorities may be wiped out in Middle East within two to three generations. Quran preaches that non-Muslims pay a head tax, never preach publicly about their faith or try to convert Muslims into other faiths. Christians have to lead a life of subservience. Criminal laws punish non-Muslims much more harshly than Muslims, but Muslim men are treated with utmost respect by the Islamic law. These laws are currently in force in most Islamic countries.

We need awareness and need authors like Michael Coren to write their scholarly work about Islam so that the message is carried thorough to the larger population.

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