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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Book Reviewed: Questioning Islam: Tough Questions & Honest Answers About the Muslim Religion by Peter Townsend

Book Reviewed: Questioning Islam: Tough Questions & Honest Answers About the Muslim Religion by Peter Townsend

This is an outstanding work of Peter Townsend, a highly respected scholar examines the Islamic scriptures to evaluate and determine the truth about this faith. Work of this kind is extremely important in light of growing influence of terror groups like Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), Al Qaeda, Khorasan, Taliban, Al Shabab, Boko Haram and many others. The security and integrity of United Sates and many Western countries are seriously threated with growing Islamic population and their influence. Much of terrorism is perpetrated in the name of Islam, but many politicians, community leaders and academics shy away from criticizing Islam for the fear being called "Islamophobic." Is there anything we can question about the teachings of Muhammad? In this book we have a brave scholar who is bold enough to ask basic questions and investigate in an academic fashion and without bias, the source books that created Islamic doctrine; the holy book of Quran, hadith (traditions), biography of Muhammad and the ancient history of Middle East.

This study reveals that Islam is standing on a very shaky theological and historical foundation. Muhammad did not have any moral standing or a good conduct worthy of a prophet. He had 13 wives; many of them were wives at the same time (sister-wives), and one of them was a nine year old girl. If he is married to a nine year old girl, could we call him a pedophile? How could we call him a prophet who encourages men to wed young under-aged women?

Hadith, which are a collection of historical documents that describes Muhammad's teachings and traditions, from several generations after his death is a suspect and most likely altered historical document. The book of Quran has undergone much modification over the last 1,400 years. Quran mentions Muhammad four times (Quran 3:144; 33:40; 47:2; and 48:29), and the literature of Sira that describes the life and works of Muhammad written in 8th and 9th century is completely lost.

Recently many politicians in both United States and abroad have called Islam a religion of peace? Is it true? After reading this book, we learn that this is a religion which encourages a high degree of intolerance to other belief systems; other faiths and cultures: This proves to be religion of piece not peace. How can we use the word peace that supports beheadings, rape, destruction of non-Islamic faiths and the establishment of global Islamic caliphate? Atrocities committed against Christians, Kurds, and other non-Islamic populations in Iraq and Syria speaks volumes about the followers of this faith.

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