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Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Fearless in Tibet by Matteo Pistono

Book Reviewed: Fearless in Tibet by Matteo Pistono.

This is a book for a specialist in Tibetan Buddhism

This book is written mainly for a reader knowledgeable in Tibetan Buddhism that focuses mainly on the life and works of nineteenth-century mystic Terton Sogyal, the teacher of Thirteenth Dalai Lama. Sogyal had incredible power to foresee things which he acquired through deep mediations and clear understanding of the teachings of Buddha.

There is one chapter on creating peace between Tibet and China that partly discuss the political situation at that time. The end of 19th century was a precarious for Tibet because of the threatening behavior of powers like China and Russia. Tibet was under constant threat of Chinese invasion and Dalai Lama sought help and counsel from Terton Sogyal. Sogyal used peaceful methods of Vajrayana and the vast knowledge of Buddhist teachings. He performed rituals to defend Tibet. He discovered terma treasures and received prophecies and gave specific directions. His counsel included building temples and Buddhist stupas that would deter an aggression. He advocated Tendrel Nysel, eliminating flaws in interdependence, a practice created to reduce conflict and establish harmony and peace. His instructions were timely at a delicate and dangerous moment in the history of Tibet.

I recommend this book to someone familiar with Tibetan Buddhism. A casual reader may be bored by the terms and words commonly used in Tibetan Buddhism.

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