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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

America: Imagine a World without Her (A book Review)

Book Reviewed: America: Imagine a World without Her, by Dinesh D'Souza

This is a thought provoking book that discusses the decline of American values and American pride. He says the American dream is on the decline because some of the leaders are responsible for it. He observes that if this decline continues, then United States of America as we know it will cease to exist, essentially committing in a national suicide. D’Souza is especially critical of the policies of Obama. His policies have led the nation to stagnation, impoverishment, indebtedness, and decline. At its heart, America is a celebration and we must rejoice with all its intellectual and material wealth. America is worth saving, and we have the tools to do so in our DNA, just waiting to be harnessed, but socialist devils like Obama and Hilary Clinton are progressively killing this potential. There is a good deal of American history written in this book and it reads effortlessly.

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