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Thursday, May 22, 2014

The fascinating sport of free diving

Book Reviewed: Deep: Freediving, Renegade Science, and What the Ocean Tells Us about Ourselves by James Nestor

In this book, the author describes his experiences with the sport of free diving and the great dangers sportsmen and sportswomen face in this highly risky sport. He travels around the world meeting free diving enthusiasts and competitors who involve themselves in this fascinating adventure.

The human body can withstand the pressures of three hundred feet underwater ascent only in its natural state. An experienced free diver can’t go below 150 feet comfortably. But it is exhilarating to know that this sport is attracting more dare devils and media attention

The author briefly touches upon the behavior of many deep sea animals and wonders how their biological design helps them live and feed at various depths. There is very little biology or evolutionary ecology discussed in this book, but it is purely from the point of a journalist. I recommend this to anyone interested in free diving.

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