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Friday, March 22, 2013

Searching for Brahman, the Ultimate reality, through the laws of physics

Space and time are intimately connected and form a four dimensional continuum; hence they can not be treated separately according to theory of relativity. Physical description of an object (matter) located in three-dimensional space must also specify the time of observation or measurement for the complete description of reality. Time does not flow from beginning to end for all observers in the universe contrary to the belief of Newtonian reality. This means that different observers order events differently in time if they move with different velocities relative to the observed events. In other words two events which are described as simultaneous by one observer may occur in different temporal sequences for other observers. The absolute space which is a stage for physical event in Newtonian physics is also abandoned with the concept of absolute time. All descriptions of events using absolute space and time loose significance. Spacetime becomes an element of a language that a particular observer uses for describing a physical event. A second feature of Newtonian dynamics is that Euclidean geometry is assumed to be correct when there is absolute space and time. But this assumption does not hold water when spacetime is curved. For example, the two-dimensional (Euclidean) geometry is not applicable to the surface of a sphere. To experience the unification of two seemingly separate entities (space and time) in higher dimension, one could imagine objects either by going from one-dimensional space to two-dimensional space; or from two-dimensional space to three- dimensional space. A simple illustration is as follows; a two dimensional object could move in a flat circle at a constant speed, but its projection on one-dimensional space looks like the movement (oscillations) between to opposite points. The motion at the edges in one dimension appears to slow down and then accelerates again in the opposite direction, but in two dimensions it moves in circle at constant speed, and the seemingly two polar opposites of one-dimensional space is a part of one whole circle (two-dimensional space). Similarly if a donut ring (this is in three-dimensional space) cuts horizontally by a plane (in two-dimensional space). The intersection of the ring and the plane produces two different rings in two-dimensional space, but in three-dimensions it is a part one donut ring. These two examples demonstrate that what may appear as different parts in a three-dimensional space is perhaps a part of one whole system in the four-dimensional spacetime. Space and time were always basic components of the world we live in and they can not be separated from the map of reality. Newtonian physics regarded space as independent of material objects it contains and physical descriptions obey Euclidean geometry, and time is absolute and flows at an even rate independent of matter and space. Geometry is assumed to be inherent in nature in Greek philosophy. It was strongly believed that mathematical theorems were expressions of eternal and exact truths about the real world, and geometry was considered manifestations of beauty and revelation of God: Plato’s dictum was God is a geometer. The thought that geometry is the ultimate reality penetrated the Greek thought so much that it was widely believed for long time that heaven should exhibit perfect geometrical shapes, and heavenly bodies move in circles around planet earth. The concept that space follows Euclidean geometry was first contradicted by Einstein when he proposed that space and time are not independent of each other but are unified and inseparable. The four-dimensional spacetime does not follow Euclidean geometry and geometry is not of divine in origin, but imposed upon by mind. General relativity is an extension of special theory of relativity to include gravity; the latter is a manifestation of spacetime curvature in the vicinity of matter. One of the problems in understanding physical reality is that we can not imagine curved spacetime in four-dimensions. We can look at the two- dimensional curved surface such as cracked egg shell bent in three-dimensional space, but when it comes to the bending of three-dimensional space our imagination abandons us because we can not go into a four-dimensional space to look at how three-dimensional space has curved, let alone imagining how four-dimensional spacetime has curved. Since space curvature is an intrinsic property; there are ways that one can measure the curved space by making analogies to what one would expect from a curved to two-dimensional space. The geometrical measurements on a flat two dimensional surface yields results expected for Euclidean geometry. For example, the shortest distance between two points on a two-dimensional surface is a true possibility but on a three-dimensional space, the measured distance is not the shortest distance since the space is curved. If one measures angles of a large triangle on such a surface and compare with Euclidean angles one would find that the sum of the three angles is larger than 180 degrees. The circumference of a circle (on a curved three-dimensional surface) is larger than the actual circumference, because the measured radius is larger than actual radius. In the curved three-dimensional space Riemannian geometry is applied. According to general relativity the curvature of space is caused by the massive bodies and this is directly proportional to the mass of the object. This interaction is referred to as gravity is described by Einstein’s field equation. These equations can be used to determine the overall curvature of space, i.e., the structure of the universe. There are several solutions to these equations and they lead to several models. Since space and time do not exist separately, the curvature also involves time and space together, i.e., spacetime. The distortions not only curve space but also time intervals which means the flow of time in curvature is not at the same rate as in flat spacetime. For example, the collapse of a massive star observed by a distant observer sees the star collapsing as an infinite event because the time flow stops at the event horizon; but for the star the events go as normal and in finite time the star is completely collapsed. These are some of the paradoxes of physical reality imposed by relativistic dynamics (1).

In the words of Ashvaghosha; be it clearly understood that space is nothing but a mode of particularization and that it has no real existence of its own…space exists in relation to particularizing consciousness (2). The same applies to the concept of time; that is both space and time are particular states of consciousness, and they are not the ultimate truth. The relativity of spatial specifications such as; left, right, oblique, up, or down depend on the position of the observer in three-dimensional space, hence they are relative. This was known before theory of relativity. With regards to time, the temporal order of two events; time specifications such as before, after, or simultaneous were thought to have an absolute meaning and independent of any observer. This is not true according to the theory of special relativity; observers moving at different velocities will order events differently in time. This difference is insignificant at low velocities, where Newtonian physics describes reality adequately, but at very high velocities approaching the speed of light, the relativistic effect becomes significant and deviations from Newtonian reality is apparent. This argument requires that speed of light is constant for all observers. Thus the space and time (physical reality) are reduced to subjective role for a particular observer to describe a natural phenomenon. The theory of relativity requires formulation of a relativistic framework which incorporates time with three spaces coordinates to be specified relative to the observer. The laws of physics must appear the same to all observers, one must translate the space and time specifications from one coordinate system (one frame of reference) to the other. These are called transformations, and were well known in physics. For example, two coordinates of an x-y system (observer A) can be transformed by expressing each of the two coordinates as a combination of coordinates of the observer B, and vice versa. Thus a space coordinate of observer A in his frame appear as a mixture of space and time to observer B. Thus reality is the description of events in spacetime coupled with a constant velocity of light so that for all observers in the universe, travelling in uniform motion can experience the laws of physics as the same. Thus light is not a passive player anymore in the expression of reality; it is as important as space and time. The energy – mass equation of relativity, and energy – frequency relationship of quantum physics underlines the close relationship between energy (such as light or heat), mass (matter), force (there are four fundamental forces), momentum, and spacetime. 

Since we live in three-dimensional space and one-dimensional time, the living species evolved with sensory organs such as eyes to recognize three spaces. In fact the retina is two-dimensional and the brain processing of visual information converts them to three-dimensional images. The evolution is impacted by the atomic structure; atomic orbitals are shaped in three-dimensional spaces. They are called s orbitals (spherical-shaped), p orbitals (dumbbell-shaped), d orbitals (double dumbbell-shaped) and f orbitals (multi-dumbbell-shaped)). These electronic configurations allow atoms, molecules and biomolecules to be formed in three-dimensional space, which eventually make living species to be evolved. Even if evolution did occur in a four-dimensional space, that still does not make it any easier to visualize the bending of four-dimensional spacetime, since time and space have different physical characteristics than four spaces per se.

Another consequence of relativity is that the length of a moving rod depends on its relative motion to the observer and it changes with the velocity of motion. The rod contracts in the direction of motion and gets shorter with increasing velocity. This is similar to the shadow of a three dimensional object on to a two dimensional surface; the length varies with the angle of projection in space. The same holds for time intervals, i.e., time intervals become longer as velocity relative to the observer increase. This includes all clocks of moving observer, mechanical clocks, atomic clocks, human heartbeat, blood flow, brainwaves, and aging slows down from the frame of a stationary observer. This effect is known to produce the well known “twin paradox.”  As explained above that our senses do not visualize the four-dimensional spacetime realities, hence the effects of relativity appears to be paradoxical.

Relativistic physics also treats gravity as a manifestation of matter curving spacetime in its vicinity, and it also showed that mass is a form of energy and hence it can not be viewed as a static object but a dynamic existence. This mass – energy conversions are well demonstrated in particle – antiparticle interactions; energy turns into particles, and when they annihilate each other they are converted into pure energy.

The theory of relativity and quantum physics brought Newtonian mechanics closer to the concept of Brahman, the Ultimate reality is best illustrated as follows; space and time are unified as spacetime; similarly matter and forces; matter and energy, and particles and waves are unified all in existence as one whole reality. The equivalence of mass and energy; force and energy related by velocity of light, the space and time factors are represented by speed of light in the energy formula of quantum physics. Particle interactions are interpreted as cause and effect only when space-time diagrams are read in one direction.  There is no definite direction in the four-dimensional world and hence no before or after and no causation. All things and events are manifestations of a basic oneness; this does not mean all things are equal. The individuality of things; differences and contrast between two entities including polar opposites are recognized within an all embracing unity. This is apparent in relativistic framework, where the classical concepts are transcended by going to a higher dimension, the four-dimensional spacetime. The space and time are seemingly two different concepts in Newtonian physics are unified as one whole dynamic reality. This is further affirmed by Mach’s Principle, which states that matter has inertia because there are other forms of matter in the universe. The inertia of material object, the objects resistance against being accelerated is not an intrinsic property but a measure of its interaction with the rest of the universe. When the body rotates, its inertia produces a centrifugal force relative to the fixed stars.

Much of the deductive reasoning that resulted in; cause – effect; past – future; little – large; simple – complex; first – last; and mathematical formalism to explain reality originated from Greek philosophy. Much of this thinking was carried through by other West European philosophers such as Kant who believed in the absoluteness of space and time, Euclidean geometry and Newtonian dynamics. This is contrasting to Indian thought, where Hindus and Buddhists maintained that space and time are constructs of mind. The reality seen and perceived through our senses is a nothing but illusions created by Maya. The Brahman is the Ultimate reality and everything else is the manifestations of this Supreme Entity. Space and time are merely parts of a whole; i.e., they are incomplete descriptions of reality. It is stated that Buddha taught his disciples that the past, the future, and physical space are various forms of thought, words of common usage, and mere superficial realities (3).

The quantum physical description of matter, the wave – particle duality does not mean that the wave is three-dimensional waves like water waves but they are probability waves. They are abstract mathematical quantities which are related to the probabilities of finding the particles in various places. In the absence of certainty, the existence of matter or its non-existence becomes diffused. We can never say that fundamental particles exist or they don’t exist; or it is neither present nor absent; or it may and may not exist simultaneously until a physical observation is made. For better understanding of the relationship between pairs of classical concepts, Niels Bohr introduced the notion of complementarity. He suggested that the particle picture and wave pictures are two complementary descriptions of the same reality. Each of them is only partly correct and has a limited range of application. Each picture is needed with the other to give the full descriptions of the atomic reality and both are to be applied within the limitations of uncertainty principle. The complementarities of wave and particle nature of matter are illustrated with the understanding of wave patterns consisting of peaks (crests) and troughs. A wave is characterized by the amplitude (the extension of vibration (height)) and a wavelength (length between two peaks). The motion of a definite point of a wave, and the number of times it oscillates back and forth every second is called frequency. According to classical mechanics, the particle has a well defined position at any given time and also its motion is defined by its velocity and energy or momentum (mv). The wave train of a moving wave has uniform amplitude throughout its length and the particle could be found anywhere with the same probability. For an electron in an atomic confinement the probability of finding an electron is limited to a certain region: Outside this region the probability is zero. Thus a particle confined to a region is called is called wave-packet, and they are composed of several wave-trains with various wavelengths that interfere with each other destructively. The particle may be found anywhere within the wave-packet and perhaps high probability near the center of the packet where the amplitude is relatively large, and less near the ends of the packet. The main feature of this wave-packet is that it does not have definite wavelength, there is a spread in wavelength the amount of which depends on the length of wave-packet (Figure 1). The shorter the wave-packet (particle position is more accurate), the larger is the spread of wavelengths (momentum is largely inaccurate), which is a characteristic of wave property. When quantum physics is invoked to wavelength associated with the particle and its momentum it becomes clear that the spread in wavelength (represents the momentum) depends on the length of the wave-packet (represents the position). If we try to measure the position, where the wave packet is small but the spread of wavelength (momentum) becomes large (uncertain). Conversely, if we try to reduce the spread of wavelength, and limit them to a few wavelengths (accurate momentum); then the length of wave packet (position) becomes large (uncertain). Thus it becomes apparent that determining the electron position (smaller wave packet) and its momentum (smaller spread of wavelength) do not act cooperatively which essentially means that position and momentum of an electron can not be determined accurately. If we measure one of these accurately, the other becomes uncertain in its accuracy. This is called Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. Similar relations also hold for the duration of an atomic event (time) and its energy: If we picture a wave pattern as a vibration pattern in time (instead of a wave pattern in space). As the particle passes a particular point of observation, the vibrations of the wave pattern at that point will start with small amplitudes and progressively increase and then decrease and finally the vibrations stop. The length of this wave-packet represents the duration for the particle to pass through the point of observation, and this corresponds to the uncertainties in temporal location of the event. Similarly the wave-packet does not have a well defied wavelength but a range of wavelengths: Hence the frequencies are spread and so is the energy as they are related by energy – frequency equation of quantum physics. Events occurring inside a short time span (short wave-packet) will involve a large uncertainty in energy because the wavelength spread will be large; conversely if the wave-packet is long, then the wavelength spread is short and energy could measured with greater accuracy but the time uncertainty would be large. The uncertainty principle expresses limitations of our classical concepts in a precise mathematical form. The reality driven from classical physics are inadequate to describe the world in its entirety, because a particle as a distinct physical entity is nothing but a classical idealization since it has no significance in quantum world. It is defined by its connections to the whole, and these connections are statistical in nature, which means they are probabilities rather than certainties. The properties of matter in terms of classical concepts like position, energy, momentum, time (time interval), etc., we find that there are pairs of concepts that are interrelated, and they can not be defined in a precise way as required by classical reality. The more we impose one concept (certainty) on the physical entity, the more the other concepts become uncertain; the precise relation between the two is given by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

Figure 1: A Wave Packet: The effect on the size the wave packet when it is squeezed to locate the position accurately (From: Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra).

The laws of atomic physics are statistical laws according to which the probabilities for atomic events are determined by the dynamics of the whole system. Whereas in classical physics the properties and behavior of parts determine those of the whole. Probability is used in both classical and quantum physics for similar reasons. In both there are hidden variables that prevent us from making exact predictions. The hidden variables in classical physics are local mechanisms and those in quantum physics are non-local. The latter allows instantaneous connection to a pair of entangled particles anywhere in the universe that would otherwise be precluded by the speed of light in classical physics. The structure we observe is a manifestation of an underlying process, and matter is a form of energy and not mere stuff or substance. Energy is associated with process. In quantum physics the observer and observed no longer remain separated.

Deductive philosophy implied that we need to start with fundamental laws that make the basis of knowledge. The mathematical equations, universal constants, and basic concepts are the essential ingredients of building knowledge. Research and experimental evidence in support of a phenomenon and a mathematical model to explain the results is essential in science. Thus physics is a tool for acquiring rational knowledge. The Hindu mysticism was concerned with intuitive knowledge since Vedic times. The Vedic seers observed that direct experience of reality which transcends not only intellectual thinking but also sensory perception as stated in;

The one who has seen that which is wordless,
untouched, formless, un-perishing,
without taste too, eternal, without scent,
Beginning-less, endless, higher than the great, constant,
is freed from the mouth of Death - Katha Upanishad 3.15

It was also the belief of these ancient sages that the Ultimate reality can never be an object of reasoning or of demonstrable knowledge. It is beyond the realm of senses and the intellect from which our words and concepts are derived;

There the eye goes not,
Speech goes not, nor the mind.
We know not, we understand not
How we could teach it - Kena Upanishad 1.3

The Indian imagination created a vast number of gods and goddesses whose incarnations and exploits have been immortalized in Hindu epics, but these are creations of mind representing many faces of reality that can only be understood though the transcendental knowledge, mystical experience and universal consciousness that transcends biological reality. The physical reality transcends ordinary language and it goes beyond logic and common concepts rather than stop at mere reductive reasoning.  

………. When they say, 'Sacrifice to that one!'
'Sacrifice to this one!'-some god or other, that is his varied
Creation and he himself (Brahman) is all the gods…….
– Brihad-aranyaka Upanishad 1.4.6

Studies in particle physics has become clear that matter and energy in spacetime are all interconnected, interrelated, and interdependent, and they are understood as a part of the whole. In quantum physics, a human observer is necessary to observe the properties of an object but also define these properties. The experimental setup determines to some extent the results. The observer and the observed become a part of one whole as stated in Brihad-aranyaka Upanishad;

For where there is duality, as it were, there one sees another;
There one smells another; there one tastes another…………
But where everything has become just one’s own self,
then whereby and whom would one see?
Then whereby and whom would one smell?
Then whereby and whom would one taste..........  Brihad-aranyaka Upanishad 4.5.15

Since a confined particle is represented by a wave packet, and the length of wave packet represents the location. If we localize the particle to a smaller region (length), then the wavelength spread will increases representing an increase in the velocity spread and hence the momentum spread (or energy spread), thus supporting the dynamic nature of reality at its most fundamental level. The dynamic nature is also found at the cosmic scale where the existence of dark matter and dark energy keep the universe in its ever expansionary state. Farther the cosmic bodies are faster they are moving from us: The universe at its edge is moving from us close to the speed of light.

In order to understand physical reality through the laws of physics, it is imperative that concepts of relativistic physics and quantum physics have to be unified into one theory so that one complete theory describes matter at subatomic level as well as matter in a larger size. Newtonian physics describes reality for larger objects correctly at low speeds, but when the speed of the moving matter is very large closer to speed of light then relativistic effects dominates and Newtonian physics becomes less tenable. Since gravitational and electromagnetic interactions are described by classical theories, the electromagnetic interactions between two fundamental particles are described by the unified laws of quantum and classical physics; this is called quantum electrodynamics. For example, photons are electromagnetic waves, and the waves are vibrating fields. Since photons are particle manifestation of electromagnetic waves, they could be treated as fields. Hence this field is called quantum field because it can take the form of quantum waves or particles. Quantum field is a physical entity, a continuous medium which is present everywhere in space and particles are mere condensation of the field.  This overcomes the classical distinction between the particle and the space surrounding it.

According to quantum field theory, all interactions take place through the exchange of particles. For example two electrons approaching each other is viewed as one electron emitting a photon at point A, and another one absorbing at point B; this exchange changes their velocity and reverses their direction (world line). The two electrons fly apart having repelled from each other. In the case of electromagnetic interactions, the exchanged particles are photons. In the case of nucleons, strong interactions results in exchange of mesons. The closer the nucleons are, the more numerous and heavy mesons they exchange. In a collision process the creation of a massive particle like mesons is possible because the mass corresponding to its energy is provided. In an atomic nucleus such high energies are not readily available yet such exchanges occur because of uncertainty principle. Subatomic events occurring within a short time involve large uncertainty in energy; this act as a source of energy for the creation of mesons. These mesons are called virtual particles because they have a very short existence allowed by the uncertainty principle. The heavier the mesons the more energy is needed to create them and shorter is the time allowed for exchange process. The exchange of virtual photons on the other hand can takes place over indefinite distances because the photons being mass-less can be created with very little energy. In quantum field theory all interactions are pictured as the exchange of virtual particles. Stronger the interaction, stronger the force between the particles and higher the probability of such exchange processes, and more frequently the virtual particles are exchanged. One nucleon in an atomic nucleus can emit and reabsorb energy shortly afterwards, there is nothing to forbid such a process. The probability of such self interactions for nucleons is very high because of strong interactions. The nucleons are regarded as centers of continuous emission and absorption activity surrounded by the appearance and disappearance virtual particles. The virtual meson disappears very shortly after their creation. Heavier mesons disappear quickly than light meson hence the inner region of the nucleus is populated by heavy mesons and outer regions by light mesons. Thus nucleons are surrounded by clouds of mesons. In exchange process the clouds of two nucleons come close and some virtual photons move to the second cloud leading to exchange process. The interaction between particles is determined by virtual clouds. The distinction between matter and empty space finally had to be abandoned when it becomes evident that virtual particles can come into being spontaneously from void and vanish again into the void. Vacuum is far from empty it contains unlimited number of particles that come into being, interact and vanish, without end. All interactions and production of virtual particles are tendencies or probabilities rather than actualities. However all virtual particles are essential part of all interactions and also the properties of all fundamental particles. They are also created and destroyed by the vacuum. Matter and empty space; the full and void were fundamentally distinct concepts in Newtonian physics, but in relativistic quantum physics these are inseparable.

The essential nature of reality is emptiness; it means that all concepts about reality formed by the human mind are ultimately void. It is not a state of mere nothingness, but is the very source of all life and essence of all forms. Nagarjuna, the most intellectual Mahayana philosopher explained that reality can not be understood with concepts and ideas. When the futility of all conceptual thinking is recognized, the void, or emptiness or Sunyata sets in and reality is experienced as pure Suchness or Tathata of Ashvaghosha, the first expounder of Mahayana doctrine. Buddhists refer to Sunyata as the ultimate reality. Void as an infinite creative potential giving birth to an infinite varieties of forms which it sustains and eventually reabsorbs;
Verily, this whole world is Brahma,
Tranquil, let alone worship:
It as that form which he came forth,
as that into which he will be dissolved,
as that in which he breathes – Chandogya Upanishad 3.14.1

Experiencing is a manifestation of the ultimate reality, the essence of the universe. It is called by various names; Brahman (according to Hinduism), Dharmakaya (the body of being) or Tathata (Suchness) (according to Buddhism), or Tao (according to Taoism).
The ultimate essence can not be separated from its multiple manifestations. There is no beginning and no end, manifestations occurring in myriads of forms transform into one another without end. It is intrinsically dynamic. The Brahman or Dharmakaya or Tao is the ultimate unified field or the ultimate reality from which springs all forms. The ultimate reality is formless, faceless, or empty (void) as observed in;

Then he said: I understand that Brahma is life (prana).
But joy and void I do not understand.
They said: Joy, verily, that is the same as Void (kha).
The Void, verily, that is the same as joy - Chandogya Upanishad 4.10.4    

Matter at the most fundamental level does not exist as isolated entities but as dynamic patterns and as integral parts of inseparable network of interactions as discussed above according to quantum field theory. These interactions involve ceaseless flow of energy manifesting itself as the exchange of particles in which particles are created and destroyed without end in continuous variations of energy patterns. The particles interact with different interaction strengths: The strong interactions, the electromagnetic interactions, the weak interactions, and the gravitational interactions. Gravitational interactions are weak between particles but stronger as the matter accumulates at sufficient densities like the planets, stars and galaxies. Electromagnetic forces are responsible for the formation of all atomic and molecular structures, and for all the chemical processes. The strong interactions that hold the protons and neutrons together are very strong with energy of 10 million units, whereas the electromagnetic forces have energy of 10 units. Only five particles; the photon and four leptons, neutrino, electron, muon and tau and their antiparticles participate in the electromagnetic interactions but all other particles (hadrons) comprised of mesons and baryons interact with strong forces. The latter particles have distinct antiparticles but mesons can be their own antiparticles. The interactions between leptons are very weak and they do not bind. They are observed in particle decay and few particle collisions. They have extremely short range much shorter than strong forces. These are produced in the exchange of heavy particles such as W+, W-, and Z. They play a role analogous to that of the photon in an electromagnetic interaction, except for their large masses. The unification of electromagnetic and weak interactions is also a quantum field theory known as Gauge theory. Gravitational forces are also mediated by mass-less particles known as gravitons.

In spite of quantum uncertainties, all fundamental particles have characteristic physical properties. All of them have a definite mass, electric charge and other properties. In an atom, the wave nature of the electrons restrict the mutual distance of their orbits and the amount of rotation an electron can have in a given orbit to a few definite values corresponding to specific vibrations of the electron waves. This results in the atomic structure characterized by a set of integral quantum numbers that reflect the vibration patterns of the electron waves in their atomic orbits. These vibrations determine the quantum states of the atom and ascertain that any two atoms will be completely identical when they both are in their ground state or in the same excited state. Quantum physics can not explain the value used for the mass of the electron, nor does field theory explain the magnitude of the electron charge or relativity theory the value of the speed of light. In classical theories they were regarded as universal constants and hence they did not require any explanation, but in quantum physics, these values could be different or they can change. The theory fails to explain the observed values. The basic building blocks of matter are no longer tenable; the fundamental particles themselves are composite structures as observed in quantum field theory.

The particle physics reveals that matter at its most fundamental level is a process rather an object. The S-matrix theory describes the world of subatomic particles as a dynamic network of events and emphasizes change and transformation, rather than fundamental structures and physical entities. The general principles used to restrict the mathematical possibilities of constructing S-matrix elements and thus give S-matrix a definite structure so that it is sufficient to determine all the properties of the S-matrix, i.e., the properties of hadrons. The philosophical implications would be profound since these general principles used are related to our methods of observation and measurement. This means that the structure of hadrons is decided by observational method. Ultimately this is the same as saying that what we observe are creations of our measuring and categorizing mind. The illusion created by Maya, which does not mean that the world is an illusion as often wrongly stated. The illusion merely lies in our point of view; if we think that matter and events around us are realities of nature instead of realizing that they are consequences of our measuring and categorizing minds: Maya leads to faulty image of reality. The concept of karma is also another related concept that is wrongly assumed to occur at a human level in a psychological sense. As long as we are separated from the unity of Brahman and think that the universe is fragmented and we are separate from the rest; and act and think independently, we are under the spell of Maya and bound by Karma. When one realizes the unity and harmony of nature including ourselves and act accordingly, it is then one frees from the bondage of Karma;

It is within all beings, yet outside;
Motionless yet moving;
Too subtle to be perceived;
Far away yet always near - Bhagavadgita 13.16

What is meant by the soul as Suchness?
is the oneness of the totality of all things?
the great all-including whole Ashvaghosha - the Awakening of Faith

The duality between existence and non-existence expressed as probabilities in quantum physics is also described in Ashvaghosha;

Suchness is neither that which is existence;
nor that is non-existence,
nor that which is non-existence,
nor that which is at once existence and non-existence - Ashvaghosha, the Awakening of Faith

Indian philosophy and Taoism had profound effect on three founding fathers of quantum physics; Erwin Schrödinger expressed strong belief in Vedanta; Werner Heisenberg expressed strong interest in Buddhist philosophy, and Niels Bohr in the basic concepts of Taoism. The notion of complementarity is displayed in Taoism by the complementarity of opposites, the t’ai-chi symbol, Yin and Yang. When Niels Bohr was knighted by Danish Royalty, he chose this symbol for his coat-of-arms together with the inscription that stated opposites are complementary. The sprit of quantum physics is expressed through the meaning of physical reality; 

It moves. It moves not
It is far, and it is near.
It is within all this,
And it is outside all this – Isa Upanishad 5

The manifestation of Brahman in human soul is called Atman, and the idea that Atman and Brahman, the individual and the ultimate reality are one is the essence of Upanishads:

That which is the finest essence,
this whole world has that as its soul.
That is Reality (Satya). That is Atman (Soul).
That art thou, Svetaketu – Chandogya Upanishad 6.8.6

All actions take place in time
by the interweaving of forces of nature,
But the man lost in selfish delusion
thinks that he himself is the actor.
The man, who knows the relation between
the forces of nature and actions, sees how
Some forces of nature work upon other
forces of nature, and become not their slave - Bhagavadgita 3.27-28

He on whom the sky, earth and the atmosphere
Are woven, and the mind, together with all the life-breaths (Prana),
Him alone knows as one soul (Atman). Other
Words dismiss. He is the bridge to immortality – Mundaka Upanishad 2.2.5

1.   Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra
2.   Ashvaghosha, the Awakening of Faith
3.   Madhyamika Krika Vrtti, T.R.V. Murthy, the Central Philosophy of Buddhism

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